Database Design for Accounting Package Database.

  • Hello everyone i am developing an accounts package for my company using Sql Server 2008 and VB.Net.

    I need some help regarding the database design.

    I have the following tables


    GroupId int

    GroupName nvarchar(50)

    ParentGroupId int

    CatId int

    PrimaryGroup bit

    CreatedByUser nvarchar(50)

    CreatedOn datetime

    The above table will store the Groups for the accounts eg: Current Assets etc.

    Accounts Table

    AccCode nvarchar(6)

    AccountName nvarchar(30)

    ParentAcc nvarchar(6)

    GroupId int

    The above table stores the Accounts/Ledgers .


    VoucherNo bigint

    VoucherDate datetime

    DebitCredit int (0 for Credit 1 for Debit)

    AccCode nvarchar(6) (Account Code to be debited/Credited)

    UserID nvarchar(30)


    VoucherNo bigint

    SlNo int

    AccCode nvarchar(6) (Debit this account if account in VoucherMain credited/ Credit this account if account in VoucherMain Debited)

    Amount decimal(18, 2)

    Narration nvarchar(MAX)

    The above two tables store the transactions.The above two tables linked by the VoucherNo columns

    Now my question is whether i should maintain all the bank accounts in the accounts table or should i have a separate table for the bank accounts.

    As each bank account should have its respective ledgers.

    Please help me in the design of this database.


  • Help needed,,,,,,please

  • mandar.dasgupta (7/27/2013)

    ...Now my question is whether i should maintain all the bank accounts in the accounts table

    'course you should.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Thanks PaulB.

    I have worked a little more and i showed it to our Accounts Head and he was reasonbly satisfied with it. However i ran into a little bit of trouble regarding vouchers with multiple debits and multiple credits.

    My design takes care of Single Debit and multiple credits and single Credit and multiple debits.But i cant be sure in case of multiple debits and multiple credits.



    VoucherNo VoucherDate DrCr VType AccCode

    2 2013-07-23 Credit 1 000002


    VoucherNo SlNo AccCode Amount Narration

    2 1 000005 6000.00 Purchase of table.

    2 2 000012 5000.00 Purchase of drinks

    In the above example the account/Ledger with code 000002 is credited with

    Rs.11000 and the account/Ledger with code 000005 is debited with 6000

    and the account/Ledger with code 000012 is debited with 5000.

    The DrCr column specifies wether to credit or debit the account in VoucherMain table and the opposite happens to the accounts in the VoucherDetails Table.

    The tables are linked with the voucherNo column.

    So the above design is capable of handling single debit multiple credits

    or single credit multiple debits.

    I cant be sure about the multiple debits and multiple credit situation please suggest.

  • mandar.dasgupta (8/3/2013)

    Thanks PaulB.

    I have worked a little more and i showed it to our Accounts Head and he was reasonbly satisfied with it. However i ran into a little bit of trouble regarding vouchers with multiple debits and multiple credits.

    My design takes care of Single Debit and multiple credits and single Credit and multiple debits.But i cant be sure in case of multiple debits and multiple credits.



    VoucherNo VoucherDate DrCr VType AccCode

    2 2013-07-23 Credit 1 000002


    VoucherNo SlNo AccCode Amount Narration

    2 1 000005 6000.00 Purchase of table.

    2 2 000012 5000.00 Purchase of drinks

    In the above example the account/Ledger with code 000002 is credited with

    Rs.11000 and the account/Ledger with code 000005 is debited with 6000

    and the account/Ledger with code 000012 is debited with 5000.

    The DrCr column specifies wether to credit or debit the account in VoucherMain table and the opposite happens to the accounts in the VoucherDetails Table.

    The tables are linked with the voucherNo column.

    So the above design is capable of handling single debit multiple credits

    or single credit multiple debits.

    I cant be sure about the multiple debits and multiple credit situation please suggest.

    I see no reason why table VoucherDetails couldn't describe multiple debits and credits.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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