Strange 'order by' - can anyone explain ?

  • Hi - I simply don't understand this sorting... Do you know why ?

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#abthja_1') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #abthja_1


    CREATE TABLE #abthja_1 (

    postkasse varchar (15) not null

    ,folder varchar(15) not null

    ,modtaget int

    ,lost int)

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#abthja_2') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #abthja_2


    CREATE TABLE #abthja_2 (

    postkasse varchar (15) not null

    ,folder varchar(15) not null

    ,modtaget int

    ,lost int)

    insert into #abthja_1

    select 'Salg','AAA', 1, NULL

    union all select 'Salg','CCC', 2, NULL

    union all select 'Salg','BBB', 2, NULL

    select * from #abthja_1

    insert into #abthja_2

    select 'Salg','AAA/Lo', NULL, 4

    union all select 'Salg','CCC', NULL, 5

    union all select 'Salg','BBB/Lo', NULL, 6

    select * from #abthja_2

    select postkasse, folder, sum(modtaget) as modtaget, sum(lost) as lost

    from (

    select *

    from #abthja_1

    union all

    Select *

    from #abthja_2) data

    group by postkasse, folder

    order by postkasse, folder


    postkasse folder modtaget lost

    Salg BBB 2 NULL

    Salg BBB/Lo NULL 6

    Salg CCC 2 5

    Salg AAA 1 NULL

    Salg AAA/Lo NULL 4

    If you change BBB to 2BB,

    AAA to 1AA

    CCC to 3CC

    then you got what you would expect ?

    Regards from Copenhagen.

  • I didn't get that. What is your server collation set to?


  • What is the collation you use for your instance?

    In what order do you want your results?

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Hi - thanx for taking your time...

    Collation is Danish_Norwegian_CS_AS, but does it matter here ?

    I mean... how would you expect AAA, BBB, CCC to be sorted ?

    I don't think there is a collation that will place CCC in the middle ? 🙂


  • If I apply the "Danish_Norwegian_CS_AS" collation to the query it does indeed sort BB-CC-AA. So yes, the collation does matter.

    I don't know why, but perhaps that's because I'm not Danish ;-).

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Is there some significance in 'AA' in Danish/Norwegian? It seems to sort after 'Z'


    FROM (VALUES ('A'),('AA'),('B'),('BB'),('C'),('CC'),('Z')) T(X)

    ORDER BY X COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS


    FROM (VALUES ('A'),('AA'),('B'),('BB'),('C'),('CC'),('Z')) T(X)

    ORDER BY X COLLATE Danish_Norwegian_CS_AS


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Mark-101232 (8/28/2013)

    Is there some significance in 'AA' in Danish/Norwegian? It seems to sort after 'Z'

    Yes, I think you've nailed it. Take a look at the very bottom line of this page.


  • Thorkil, which of these lists do you think is correct:

    Aalborg, Aarhus, Amager, Bornholm, Ringsted, Ærö, Øresund

    Amager, Bornholm, Ringsted, Ærö, Øresund, Aalborg, Aarhus

    There you have it.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

  • Hey all

    You are so right... What a fool I am...

    This double-a... something from the past... But still in effect..

    Thaxs again to this nice forum...


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