Help with calculation and query

  • How to calculate the update amount for the example below? Table A has the following rows. I want to get the output only for Main_dir and Main_rei which are reduced by Withhold_dir and Withhold_rei respectively which has sub_code = 50. The common connection between the rows is the Code.

    Table A


    Code Sub_code Name Amounts

    Dir 20 Main_dir 100

    Rei 20 Main_Rei 50

    Dir 50 Withhold_dir 10

    Rei 50 Withhold_Rei 10


    Code Sub_code Name Amounts

    Dir 20 Main_dir 90

    Rei 20 Main_Rei 40

  • I'd do it this way:

    WITH CTE_Main AS


    SELECT Code, Sub_Code, Name, Amounts

    FROM TableA

    WHERE Sub_Code = 20


    , CTE_Withhold AS


    SELECT Code, Amounts

    FROM TableA

    WHERE Sub_Code = 50


    SELECT m.Code, m.Sub_Code, m.Name, Amounts = m.Amounts - w.Amounts

    FROM CTE_Main m

    INNER JOIN CTE_Withhold w ON m.Code = w.Code;

    The CTEs aren't necessary, I just included them to make the code more readable.

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  • Or perhaps like this?

    WITH SampleData (Code, Sub_code, Name, Amounts) AS (

    SELECT 'Dir',20,'Main_dir',100

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Rei',20,'Main_Rei',50

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Dir',50,'Withhold_dir',10

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Rei',50,'Withhold_Rei',10


    SELECT Code, Sub_code=MIN(Sub_code)


    ,Amounts=SUM(CASE Sub_code WHEN 20 THEN Amounts ELSE -Amounts END)

    FROM SampleData

    GROUP BY Code

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    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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