Group By with Union

  • Hello,

    I am trying to group by the aggregate results by combining multiple tables, below is what I have, but it is not aggregating as it should. Appreciate the help.

    Here is what I have:

    Select *



    select [MS], sum ([Vis]) as 'TV',

    sum(Round([VIS]*[GR],1)) as '# of C's'

    from [dbo].[Table1]

    group by [MS]


    select [MS], sum ([Vis]) as 'TV',

    sum(Round([VIS]*[GR],1)) as '# of C's'

    from [dbo].[Table2]

    group by [MS]) as G1

  • R u getting any error?

    the code you have posted in not corrrect. It should be like this:

    Select *



    select [MS], sum ([Vis]) as 'TV',

    sum(Round([VIS]*[GR],1)) as '# of C''s'

    from [dbo].[Table1]

    group by [MS]


    select [MS], sum ([Vis]) as 'TV',

    sum(Round([VIS]*[GR],1)) as '# of C''s'

    from [dbo].[Table2]

    group by [MS]) as G1


    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Also, be careful while giving alias to a column.

    You have put alias to a column as '# of C's' which is also not correct.

    It should be like this '# of C''s'.

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • VegasL (9/12/2013)


    I am trying to group by the aggregate results by combining multiple tables, below is what I have, but it is not aggregating as it should. Appreciate the help.

    Here is what I have:

    Select *



    select [MS], sum ([Vis]) as 'TV',

    sum(Round([VIS]*[GR],1)) as '# of C's'

    from [dbo].[Table1]

    group by [MS]


    select [MS], sum ([Vis]) as 'TV',

    sum(Round([VIS]*[GR],1)) as '# of C's'

    from [dbo].[Table2]

    group by [MS]) as G1

    The code you posted is also incorrect. You added one alias and bracket too many at the end.

    @VegasL: can you be a bit more specific on "it is not aggregating as it should"?

    Table DDL, sample data and desired output would be appreciated.

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