Optimize TSQL

  • Hi

    Please optimze below Query



    , C.PROD_CD







    , sum(value(B.RECON_BAL,0)) RECON_BAL




    ( select RI.ri_id

    , RI.src_stm_id

    , cl_code SRC_STM_CD

    from trgisl.RI RI

    , trgisl.cl CL

    where RI.src_stm_id = CL.cl_id

    ) A,

    ( select R.ri_id


    ,CL.dsc as PROD_DESC

    from trgisl.cl CL

    , trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_x_cl RX

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and RX.cl_id = CL.cl_id ------

    and ri_x_cl_tp_id = 21167

    ) C ,

    ( select R.ri_id


    ,CL.dsc as PROD_CLASS_DESC

    from trgisl.cl CL

    , trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_x_cl RX

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and RX.cl_id = CL.cl_id

    and ri_x_cl_tp_id = 21166

    ) d ,

    ( select R.ri_id


    ,g.FIRST_RT as FX

    from trgisl.cl CL

    , trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_x_cl RX

    , trgisl.gl_recon_cur g

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and RX.cl_id = CL.cl_id

    and ri_x_cl_tp_id = 21161

    and g.cURR_CD=cL.CL_code

    and g.msr_dt = '2013-04-30'

    ) e,

    ( select R.ri_id

    , AU.unq_id_src_stm GL_ACCOUNT_ID

    from trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_x_au RX

    LEFT OUTER JOIN trgisl.au AU

    on RX.au_id = AU.au_id

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and ri_x_au_tp_id = 1268

    ) G,

    ( select R.ri_id


    from trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.RI_X_IP RX


    on RX.ip_id = OU.ou_ip_id

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and ri_x_ip_tp_id = 21145

    ) T,


    select R.ri_id

    , RV.val_amt NTNL_AMT

    from trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_val RV

    where R.ri_id = RV.ri_id

    and ri_val_tp_id= 21175

    ) N,

    ( select R.ri_id

    , AB.pst_amt OUTSTANDING_BAL

    from trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_x_au RX

    , trgisl.au_bal AB

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and RX.au_id = AB.au_id

    and ri_x_au_tp_id = 1267

    and AB.pnt_bal_tp_id=31173

    ) O,

    ( select R.ri_id

    , AB.pst_amt RECON_BAL

    from trgisl.ri R

    , trgisl.ri_x_au RX

    , trgisl.au_bal AB

    where R.ri_id = RX.ri_id

    and RX.au_id = AB.au_id

    and ri_x_au_tp_id = 1267

    and AB.pnt_bal_tp_id=1264

    ) B

    where A.ri_id = C.ri_id

    and A.ri_id = B.ri_id

    and A.ri_id = G.ri_id

    and A.ri_id=d.ri_id

    and A.ri_id=e.ri_id

    and A.ri_id=T.ri_id

    and A.ri_id=n.ri_id

    and A.ri_id=O.ri_id

    and e.CURRENCY is not null

    and T.TRANSIT is not null

    and G.GL_ACCOUNT_ID is not null

    and e.CURRENCY <>''

    and T.TRANSIT <>''

    and G.GL_ACCOUNT_ID <>''

    group by A.SRC_STM_CD

    , C.PROD_CD






  • use temporary table.

    create index if necessary.

    Be cautious for using function [ sum(value(parameter)) ] with large number of data

  • Please post table definition, index definitions and execution plan as per http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (9/20/2013)

    Please post table definition, index definitions and execution plan as per http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/


    How can we optimize a query without knowing the tables, indexes, views, functions, etc in play?

    Data distribution will also likely be important.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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