Change varchar data type of columns to real/ decimals

  • Hi,

    I've imported text files into SQL server and by default the fields are varchar(50) data type.

    I'm trying to alter certain columns but I keep getting an error. Any advise?

    "Error converting data type varchar to real...."

    ALter table [dbo].[Voice_PAYG] alter column [MO_BILLED_MINUTES] real;

    ALter table [dbo].[Voice_PAYG] alter column [MO_ACTUAL_MINUTES] dec(18,2);

    ALter table [dbo].[Voice_PAYG] alter column [CALLS] dec(18,2);

    ALter table [dbo].[Voice_PAYG] alter column [UNIQUE_CALLERS] dec(18,2);

    ALter table [dbo].[Voice_PAYG] alter column [MO_NET_REVENUE] dec(18,2);

    ALter table [dbo].[Voice_PAYG] alter column [MO_REVENUE] real;

    Is there a script that can convert columns of existing tables?


  • I'd suggest double checking the data in the column. It sounds like you may have text data mixed in with the numbers.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • If there are several columns that need changed you may be better off creating a new table and inserting the data there.

    As Grant said you need to check your data, which could be done with the select statement used to insert the data.

    --INSERT INTO abc (X)


    If you do one column at a time you will find the problem.

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