SQL Server Database Backup Monitoring

  • Hi SQL Masters,


    Do you have a script that will determine if the backup failed/succeeded?

    Sample output:

    Database Name Status Log Date

    --------------- ---------- --------------

    AdventureWorks2008 FAILED 20130125

    AdventureWorks2008 SUCCEEDED 20130126

    Something like that.....

    Any ideas SQL Masters?

    Thank you and Best Regards,

  • You could create a date table/CTE and join every day to the msdb..backupset table on the backup_finish_date to make sure that a backup (of whatever type you choose) was taken successfully.

    If you are using scheduled jobs to run your backups you can write a query to return all successes and failures of that job.

    So it depends are what you are auditing exactly.

    declare @BeginDate datetime = '20130923'

    , @EndDate datetime = '20131001';

    with BackupDate as



    @BeginDate BackupDate



    DATEADD(day, 1, BackupDate) BackupDate




    BackupDate < @EndDate





    , d.name

    , bs.[type]

    , case when backup_set_id is not null then 'Backup Completed'

    else 'No Backup' end

    from BackupDate bd

    cross apply master.sys.databases d

    left join msdb..backupset bs on bd.BackupDate = convert(varchar(10), bs.backup_finish_date, 112)

    and bs.database_name = d.name

    --and bs.database_name = '' --If you want to specify a single database

    --and bs.[type] = ''

    option (maxrecursion 0)

    Microsoft Certified Master - SQL Server 2008
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  • Keith Tate (9/30/2013)

    If you are using scheduled jobs to run your backups you can write a query to return all successes and failures of that job.

    That is what I do for all scheduled jobs, not just backups.

    If any job fails (or step within a job), it gets monitored every hour and it send me an email. That makes it easier to monitor jobs during off hours. A quick glance at my email on my smartphone.

    We have some jobs with 10 steps, and if step 5 fails, we still want the other steps to complete. The problem is the job shows as successful, so I need to look at each step for failure, not the overall job.

    set @RecCount = 0

    set @RecCount = (SELECT count(*)

    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory] h

    join msdb..sysjobs j on j.job_id = h.job_id

    where run_date = convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) -- Only Today's jobs

    and run_status <> 1 -- not succeeded

    and h.step_id > 0 -- only look at actual steps

    if @RecCount > 0 begin

    Build & Send HTML email ....

  • I used Policy Based Management as a secondary check on backup age. It's really easy to set up and maintain. You can read an introduction[/url] about it here.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Hi SQL Masters,

    Thank you very much! for your responses, i appreciate it much 🙂

    Thank you and Best Regards,


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