how to use One CTE value in another CTE ,in SQL 2008 R2

  • I have 2 CTE . I want to use value from 1st and 2nd CTE in my 3rd CTE .

    Is it possible ?

    With CTE1 AS


    Select count(Column1) as Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 FROM TABLE1


    CTE2 AS


    Select count(Column2) as Cnt_Column2_Tbl2 from TABLE2



    CTE3 AS


    Select ( CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 - CTE2.Cnt_Column2_Tbl2) -- I get an error on this line here


    The error I get is

    The multi-part identifier "CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1" could not be bound.

    Please help

  • You've missed the FROM list in CTE3.

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  • The first point is that at some stage you want to SELECT (outside of the CTE) to get some results.

    ....CTE3 AS


    Select ( CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 - CTE2.Cnt_Column2_Tbl2) -- I get an error on this line here


    select * FROM CTE3 -- without the select you'll get syntax errors.

    The second point is that in CTE3, when you're referring to CTE1 and CTE2 you should do so as if they were tables i.e. your select statement should have a FROM element to it, as well as some sort of JOIN. (You may have to add more fields to CTE1 and CTE2 so that you've got the appropriate fields to join on.)

  • Actually from CTE is like this .. All 3 are from SAME TABLE , with different conditions in each case

    With CTE1 AS


    Select count(Column1) as Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 FROM TABLE1 with some CONDITION1


    CTE2 AS


    Select count(Column2) as Cnt_Column2_Tbl1 from TABLE1 with some conditions2



    CTE3 AS


    Select ( CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 - CTE2.Cnt_Column2_Tbl1) from TABLE1-- I get an error on this line here


    The error I get is

    The multi-part identifier "CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1" could not be bound.

    Please help

  • ;

    With CTE1 AS


    Select count(Column1) as Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 FROM TABLE1 with some CONDITION1


    CTE2 AS


    Select count(Column2) as Cnt_Column2_Tbl1 from TABLE1 with some conditions2


    Select ( CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 - CTE2.Cnt_Column2_Tbl1) FROM CTE1, CTE2

    given that apparently CTE1 and CTE2 each return just one row, you could include them in the FROM without a join (or effectively a CROSS JOIN)

    If you also need fields from TABLE1, you can refer also to it in the FROM clause.

    But the point is that you still have to refer to them in CT3 (or in the last select as I've done above.)

  • ms-techie (3/4/2014)

    Actually from CTE is like this .. All 3 are from SAME TABLE , with different conditions in each case

    With CTE1 AS


    Select count(Column1) as Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 FROM TABLE1 with some CONDITION1


    CTE2 AS


    Select count(Column2) as Cnt_Column2_Tbl1 from TABLE1 with some conditions2



    CTE3 AS


    Select ( CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1 - CTE2.Cnt_Column2_Tbl1) from TABLE1-- I get an error on this line here


    The error I get is

    The multi-part identifier "CTE1.Cnt_Column1_Tbl1" could not be bound.

    Please help

    Okay, so here's (hopefully) a little help for your confusion.

    The input of CTE1 is whatever you select FROM within the query. The output is that input set modified by any filters (WHERE clause, expressions like COUNT(), that kind of thing.)

    The input of CTE2 is whatever you select FROM within the query, with the output of CTE1 being AVAILABLE but not NECESSARY. As far as CTE2 is concerned, CTE1 is just the same as any other table in the database at this point. It doesn't yet know about CTE3, but it does know about CTE1. That should be clear from how CTE2 is defined in your example, since it references TABLE1 but not CTE1. The output of CTE2 is the input set of CTE2 modified by any filters (just like CTE1!)

    So, now we get to CTE3. The input of CTE3 is (guess what?) whatever you select FROM within the query. You can't select, for example, TABLE1.Column1 without some sort of FROM clause, and CTE1 and CTE2 are just the same way - they're just tables, as far as CTE3 is concerned.

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