Sharepoint integrated reporting deployment problem

  • SQL 2012

    Sharepoint 2010

    VS / BIDS 2010

    using Integrated mode for SSRS with SharePoint report server url is


    reports folder is at


    so in the project properties dialog

    the target report server url = http://XXXdev002/sites/Reports/_vti_bin/ReportServer

    target report folder = /myreports

    I get

    Error 1 The path of the item '/sites/Reports/_vti_bin/ReportServer/myreports' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidItemPathException: The path of the item '/sites/Reports/_vti_bin/ReportServer/myreports is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. ---> System.Exception: For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

    i have tried many different variations of the report folder name and get the same error. All suggestions gratefully received.

    all accounts have full permissions

  • Try using:

    target server URL : http://XXXdev002/sites/Reports

    target report folder: http://XXXdev002/sites/Reports/myreports

    You don't need the "vti_bin" stuff

  • but when i try that approach i get the following

    Error 1 The specified folder is not valid. Specify a value for the TargetReportItemFolder property in the deployment settings. If you are deploying to a SharePoint site, the location must be a fully-qualified URL to the target library or folder. 0 0

    Integrating with sharepoint seems to bring in multiple points of failure in the configuration process, when it works its great but if you make a mistake in the set up and configuration its not always noticable until later.

    I read an article about disabling anonymous authentication but according to sharepoint that has already been done.

  • Have you enabled MyReports in SSRS ? It is disabled by default.

  • This may be a rookie question ... but how do you do that ?

  • Connect to Reporting Services using Management Studio. Then right click on server name for Properties. You will see a check box to enable My Reports.

  • SSRS isnt running as only the sharepoint integrated service has been installed and configured

  • Oh - sorry I guess that is only for native mode. I did see a post that said that MyReports is not an available feature in SQL 2008 R2 integrated mode. I could not find anything out about that re: SQL 2012.

    I know I struggled getting integrated mode to work in our SP 2010 farm with SQL 2008R2. We had a consultant set up the farm but they didn't set up reporting. That fell into my lap, even though I was out of the loop during the initial install. It was a couple weeks of misery, lots of Googling, etc. It doesn't look like it has gotten any better with SQL 2012. All the stars have to be aligned for the thing to work. Good luck. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  • I know your pain, did the same thing with 2008 in my last company then moved it to 2012 - got everything working lovely then moved. we now have vendor installed reporting solution I'm struggling to se how they got it in this state I cant do a complete rebuild from scratch cos its not my product 🙁

  • target server URL : http://XXXdev002/sites/Reports

    target report folder: http://XXXdev002/sites/Reports/myreports

    works but only if you set the other parts you are not using to blank

    so as I am not using shared datasets folder or a shared report parts folder if i remove the default setting for them I can deployreports and data connections. other wise it throws errors

    following discussion is what led me to a solution

  • got the deployment working, but when i open report it gives me following error.

    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

    Cannot create a connection to data source 'DS_8_4'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

    The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

    The only difference is, I am trying to connect with Access Database stored on same server on shared drive, It works on my local BI project but once i deploy it, it giving error.

    Please help

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