Table permission denied

  • Hi all,

    I have given the full access(db_owner) to user for the test database. Users are able to work on Stored procedure but when they try to add or modify any column on the table they are getting following error:

    "Table is set to read only,user does not have enough rights on this table"

    Can anyone please help me on this.


  • Are you sure they are db_owner?

    This error means the user doesn't have the VIEW DEFINITION or ALTER TABLE permission.

    Table <Tablename> is set to read only, user doesn't have enough rights on this table.

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  • yes I am sure becoz I ahve only given the permission, and I have checked so many times.

    I am not able to understand, why they are not able to connect with table, but they can play with stored procedure.

    so if anyone have a solution, please share with me


  • Please check any exclusive Deny access on the given table to the specific user.

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