Improving DELETE performance

  • Hi,

    in a my stored procedure I need to use a DELETE statement and I cannot use the TRUNCATE TABLE.

    The table source contains more tens of millions of rows and I need to eliminate some tens of millions of data.

    The recovery model of the db is SIMPLE.

    The DELETE statement is similar to this:

    delete from work.dbo.WRK_FACT

    where month >= @I and year = @year

    Any ideas to improve the DELETE perfomances?


  • Use a DELETE in batches.

    DECLARE @i int = 1

    WHILE @i > 0


    DELETE TOP (1000000) work.dbo.WRK_FACT

    where month >= @I and year = @year

    SET @i = @@ROWCOUNT


    Or if you have a trigger on the table that might alter @@ROWCOUNT value.


    SELECT TOP 1 1

    FROM work.dbo.WRK_FACT

    where month >= @I and year = @year



    DELETE TOP (1000000) work.dbo.WRK_FACT

    where month >= @I and year = @year


    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • This was discussed just recently.

    If you are deleting more than you are keeping you can populate a duplicate empty table with the rows you want to keep, delete the old table, rename the new table.

    I know you said you can't use truncate, but you may wish to reconsider your reasons for not using it when it is the absolute fastest option available. You could populate a temp table with the rows you want to keep, truncate the table, then move the saved transactions from the temp table back to the original table.

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  • Hi LinksUp,

    the batch/bunch approach for deletions rows it is very interesting. I want to avoid to manage a cursor for a such operation.

    In my scenario, I need to populate a working table that represents the data source for a SSAS solution: I want to avoid to partition a working table.

    In order to SELECT ... INTO, DROP old table and rename the new table, ALTER permissions are necessary.

    My working table could countain 100 millions of records: 70 millions of rows could be deleted and maintained 30 millions of rows. In this case, using a temp table to fill is a good solution? However I could need to delete 40 millions of records and maintain 60 millions of records.

    Ultimately, the batch approach seems the better solution ..., isn't it?


  • pmscorca (11/19/2013)

    Ultimately, the batch approach seems the better solution ..., isn't it?

    Test, test, and test!!

    There are a number of techniques to populate a test table with millions of rows in a very short time. Then you can implement the different different scenarios to see which is the fastest, uses the fewest resources, has the best execution plan, etc. . .

    How to Post to get the most:

  • LinksUp (11/19/2013)

    pmscorca (11/19/2013)

    Ultimately, the batch approach seems the better solution ..., isn't it?

    Test, test, and test!!

    There are a number of techniques to populate a test table with millions of rows in a very short time. Then you can implement the different different scenarios to see which is the fastest, uses the fewest resources, has the best execution plan, etc. . .


    When dealing with performance improvements, the only sure way to choose is by testing and testing again after any changes on SQL Server.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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