Log shipping error

  • Hi All,

    I have scheduled job for log shipping every 24 hours at midnight. First day it was running successfully but from 2nd day file is not restoring in the Secondary database.

    can we schedule job every 24 hours or I need to schedule job every 15 minutes or 30 minutes.

    Please clarify my doubt because my requirement that job should run everyday 12 Am at midnight.

    Or is there any best solution which has alternate option of Log shipping.



  • [dup]

  • Can you tell us what the exact error message you're getting is?

    When you say you're running it every 24 hours do you mean the backup job, the copy job and the restore job, or are you backing up much more frequently but only copying and restoring every 24 hours (which sounds risky to me)?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply. i am getting error like " Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database'"

    I have scheduled job for taking backup, copy, restore backup file at the same time.

  • It looks like before Log shipping restore the backup file it is deleting. Hence this is having issue. You can increase the backup retention time to 48 or 36 and problem will be solved.

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Ok, that's helpful but we need to go through it step by step as there are so many variables.

    Are you taking transaction log backups outside the log-shipping environment? If so, which folder are the log backups going to? The copy job on your secondary will only look in the log shipping folder specified in your log shipping configuration. (I've marked this path with an arrow in the screenshot I've attached.) If you take log backups that aren't stored in that folder, it will break log shipping because the copy and restore jobs won't have an unbroken chain of transaction log backups to work with.

    Does that make sense? Can you check if that is happening first of all?

  • I am not taking logbackup outside the log shipping environment. i have configured log shipping again. i need to monitor again today night.

  • Why not just set it to run every minute for now, and then you can monitor it over the 30 minutes, rather than having to wait until later?

  • Actually for 30 minute its working fine but when i set it for 24 hours . first day it is restored but from 2nd day it start giving error

  • Ok, then something else may well be backing up your database and breaking your log chain (as far as log-shipping is concerned). I'd check that with your sysadmins.

    It sounds like they're doing this overnight.

  • Hi All,

    while restoring database in secondary server I am getting below error

    "row index must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the number of rows. ParameterName: nRowIndex. Actual value was 4(microsoft.sqlserver.Gridcontrol)"

    I have searched in so many and they are saying restart the seconadry server instance. I have restarted sql services, but still the error is remain same.


  • You need to give a bit more information with your questions. Are you doing this manually or as part of the LSRestore job?

  • i am getting error while configuring log shipping in the secondary server. backup has been taken while restoring error is coming

  • Hi All,

    I am getting below error while restoring log backup in secondary server.


    2014-06-20 06:04:01.25 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: 'OS_Test', File: 'M:\Secondary DB\OS_Test_20140619073534.trn'

    2014-06-20 06:04:01.25 Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'OS_Test'.

    2014-06-20 06:04:01.26 The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: 'OS_Test', Number of log backup files restored: 0

    2014-06-20 06:04:01.26 Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: 'OS_Test'."

    Everytime Log shipping job is failing. I schedcule job every 24 hours. First day it was running fine but from second day it start giving error. Is there any permanent solution to resolve this issue.

    ----Thanks in advance----

  • Beatrix Kiddo (6/13/2014)

    Ok, then something else may well be backing up your database and breaking your log chain (as far as log-shipping is concerned). I'd check that with your sysadmins.

    It sounds like they're doing this overnight.

    Have you checked this?

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