Check who add datafile to a database

  • Hello,

    Is there anyway to get who add a datafile to my database (Profiler, default traces, etc.)

    Thanks and regards

  • It is in the default trace as an Object:Altered event with an object type of 16964 which is database. The default trace doesn't tell you that the alteration was the addition of a file, you need to have an idea of when it happened.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • This script should help you find it.

    /* This has not been Tested on a CS Collation */

    DECLARE @Path VARCHAR(512)

    ,@StartTime DATETIME

    ,@EndTime DATETIME

    /* These date ranges will need to be changed */

    SET @StartTime = '2014-06-13 11:00:00'

    SET @EndTime = '2014-07-13 23:59:59'


    CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE([path])), 260)) + N'LOG.trc'

    FROM sys.traces

    WHERE is_default = 1;

    /* Check for database creation or drop */


    If number_files is specified as default, fn_trace_gettable reads all rollover files until it reaches the end of the trace.

    fn_trace_gettable returns a table with all the columns valid for the specified trace.


    SELECT gt.StartTime AS EventTimeStamp,gt.DatabaseName, AS TraceEvent, AS EventCategory,spid


    ,CASE gt.EventClass




    END AS EventClass

    ,gt.LoginName, NTUserName, NTDomainName, gt.HostName, ApplicationName

    ,'DATABASE' AS ObjectType

    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable( @Path, DEFAULT ) gt

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_events te

    ON gt.EventClass = te.trace_event_id

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_categories tc

    ON te.category_id = tc.category_id

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_subclass_values tv

    ON gt.EventSubClass = tv.subclass_value

    AND gt.EventClass = tv.trace_event_id

    WHERE 1 = 1

    AND ObjectType = 16964 /* Database */

    AND gt.StartTime BETWEEN @StartTime AND @EndTime

    AND gt.EventSubClass = 1 /* Committed */

    AND IN ('Object:Created','Object:Deleted','Object:Altered')

    ORDER BY gt.StartTime


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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