Can't start MSSQLSERVER service. Can't find file specified

  • SQL 2008 R2. Windows Server 2008 R2.


    Needed much more space on the drive SQL was installed on (E: drive).

    OS guys said, "we can't add that much space. We'll add another big drive and you can copy the files an we'll rename the drives"

    I said ok. The copy was done by Netbackup. All files seem to be in place.

    Rename was done. Now all E: drive files are back on E: and it's much bigger. Happy, right?

    I try to start the MSSQLSERVER service and got

    Windows could not start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service on Local Computer.

    Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.

    No mention of the file it was looking for. Nothing in event log (app, security, or system). Nothing in SQL log.

    Where can I look?

    Would appreciate an answer today. This is only QA, but the business wants to use it and are unhappy.

  • Has the account that the SQL Server Service runs under been given the necessary permissions on the 'new' E: drive?



  • In addition to the question above, have you checked the "errorlog" in the /log folder under SQL Server? That will likely clue you into which files are not available.

  • The Storage Team (who did the drive copy) said all drive and folder permissions would be copied.

    I just checked and the local administrators group has full control to the drive and all folders.

    The service id is in the administrators group. If the name of the file in question is logged somewher

    that would give a hint. I can't find a log that has that.

  • If it's a default installation then you should find the SQL Server error log under E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log

  • SQL Server Error logs have no new entries for today. The service did not start. Event logs have nothing

  • Did you sqlservr.exe get moved? There should be something in error logs or the Event logs that an attempt was even made.

  • Brother Jones,

    Good catch.

    It is not there. There are 2 files missing from the binn folder. I haven't scoped out what the other one is.

    But I am reluctant to just put it there. I have to find out why it didn't copy and how many other files didn't copy.

  • hayden_jones (2/21/2014)

    SQL 2008 R2. Windows Server 2008 R2.


    Needed much more space on the drive SQL was installed on (E: drive).

    OS guys said, "we can't add that much space. We'll add another big drive and you can copy the files an we'll rename the drives"

    This is real easy to do, cant understand why they made you go through the process of recreating the drive contents.

    • open VM properties and select the existing disk
    • type a new larger value for the virtual disk and close and save the VM properties
    • in the VM guest OS, start DISKPART from a cmd prompt
    • type LIST DISK and identify the disk number that has had size increased
    • type SELECT DISK disknumber
    • type LIST VOLUME and identify the volume number you wish to extend
    • type SELECT VOLUME volumenumber
    • type EXTEND
    • exit cmd prompt
    • et voila, your volume has been resized!

    hayden_jones (2/21/2014)

    I said ok. The copy was done by Netbackup. All files seem to be in place.

    Rename was done. Now all E: drive files are back on E: and it's much bigger. Happy, right?

    I try to start the MSSQLSERVER service and got

    Windows could not start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service on Local Computer.

    Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.

    No mention of the file it was looking for. Nothing in event log (app, security, or system). Nothing in SQL log.

    Where can I look?

    Would appreciate an answer today. This is only QA, but the business wants to use it and are unhappy.

    Clear the event logs and then try starting sql again, there should be an indication of the file it cant locate


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Out of 1,996 files copied, there were 3 missing files. They were all .exe files.

    Many other .exe files were, in fact, copied. Two of them were the SQLAGENT.EXE and sqlservr.exe.

    The services were down at the time, but I'm thinking that somehow there was a handle on these

    and that that was the reason they were not copied. I should have thought, though, that the

    Netbackup job copying the drive should have reported the failure to copy these. I'll have to ask

    the Storage guys about that.

    Anyhow, the 3 files were manually copied and all is well.

    Thanks, Steve

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