Accurate Time between Two Dates in Year, Month,Day Format

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Accurate Time between Two Dates in Year, Month,Day Format

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

  • -- nvarchar(15) doesn't give complete value

    it should be atleast nvachar(35)

  • subhanshu-khurana (8/12/2014)

    -- nvarchar(15) doesn't give complete value

    it should be atleast nvachar(35)

    you are right subhanshu-khurana

    I have already send request for this.

    Thanks for the comment.

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

  • -- Your function returns incorrect values when the time of the from-date is later than the time of the to-date.

    -- Also, it's likely to be far faster written as an inline table-valued function, like this:


    CAST(Years AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' Years :' + CAST(Months AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' Months :' + CAST([Days] AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' Days'

    FROM ( -- f


    Years, Months, [Days] = DATEDIFF(DAY,DATEADD(MONTH,Months,DATEADD(YEAR,Years,@Fromdate)),@Todate)


    FROM ( -- e

    SELECT Years, [Months] = DATEDIFF(MONTH,DATEADD(YEAR,Years,@Fromdate),@Todate)


    FROM ( -- d


    [Years] = DATEDIFF(YEAR,@Fromdate,@Todate) - CASE WHEN DATEADD(YEAR,DATEDIFF(YEAR,@Fromdate,@Todate),@Fromdate) > @Todate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    ) d

    ) e

    ) f

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thanks ChrisM@Work for your comment. I got the tone.

    Generally UDFs are slow as compare to same query.

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

  • Nice and easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Very useful. Thank you.

  • Vimal Lohani (8/13/2014)

    Thanks ChrisM@Work for your comment. I got the tone.

    Generally UDFs are slow as compare to same query.

    You may also wish to correct the error. Your function returns incorrect values when the time of the from-date is later than the time of the to-date - use the dates from my last post to check. Changing the input parameters to DATE might fix this - it's worth a try.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Sure dear!,

    I will use your query, I have tested this. seems good. Thanks once again.

    Hope this will helpful to all.

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

  • Thanks for taking the time to create and share your code. I found that when the @FromDate was more recent than the @ToDate the returned answer was incorrect. I simplified your script and corrected this issue. Thanks again.


    Here is the modified script:

    CREATE Function [dbo].[fn_TotaltimeBetweendates] (@Fromdate datetime, @Todate datetime )

    Returns nvarchar(40)






    CAST(Years AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' Years :' +

    CAST(ABS(Months) AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' Months :' +

    CAST(ABS([Days]) AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' Days'


    ( -- f




    [Days] = DATEDIFF( DAY, DATEADD(MONTH,Months,DATEADD(YEAR,Years,@Fromdate)),@Todate)


    ( -- e



    [Months] = DATEDIFF(MONTH,DATEADD(YEAR,Years,@Fromdate),@Todate)

    FROM ( -- d


    [Years] = DATEDIFF(YEAR,@Fromdate,@Todate)

    ) d

    ) e

    ) f



  • Lee Linares (8/14/2014)

    Thanks for taking the time to create and share your code. I found that when the @FromDate was more recent than the @ToDate the returned answer was incorrect. I simplified your script and corrected this issue. Thanks again.


    Here is the modified script:

    Hi Lee, Could you give me some example or some dates, so that i can test it, where it is going wrong.

    although thanks for the code.

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

  • Sure, here are the results of 2 calls using your posted code:

    Select [dbo].[fn_TotaltimeBetweendates] ('06/13/1990', '08/18/2014') -- Returns 24 Years :2 Months :5 Days

    Select [dbo].[fn_TotaltimeBetweendates] ('08/18/2014', '06/13/1990') -- Returns -25 Years :9 Months :26 Days

  • Lee Linares (8/19/2014)

    Sure, here are the results of 2 calls using your posted code:

    Select [dbo].[fn_TotaltimeBetweendates] ('06/13/1990', '08/18/2014') -- Returns 24 Years :2 Months :5 Days

    Select [dbo].[fn_TotaltimeBetweendates] ('08/18/2014', '06/13/1990') -- Returns -25 Years :9 Months :26 Days

    I can see that, the problem is in way of representation or way to see::isn't it,

    see (25 years-9month-26 days ) =-(24 years+2month+5days)

    or -(25 years-9month-26 days ) =(24 years+2month+5days)

    you got my point. Please comment, if you see something else....

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

  • I see your point. But the end-user would be confused by the output.

    In reality if I were deploying this I would likely disallow the user from inputting a @Fromdate greater than the @Todate.

    Thanks again.


  • Lee Linares (8/19/2014)

    I see your point. But the end-user would be confused by the output.

    In reality if I were deploying this I would likely disallow the user from inputting a @Fromdate greater than the @Todate.

    Thanks again.


    i got your point but this is a case when he will write the value of @fromdate to @todate by mistake. He should know @fromdate<=@todate.

    by the way,what do you thing, how should i represent the answer. In your case.

    Vimal LohaniSQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)==============================The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure ** Success is a journey not a destination**Think before you print, SAVE TREES, Protect Mother Nature

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