Output in Lakhs

  • I have a decimal value, 10,55,263.55 . This value should be converted into lakhs and the output should show as 10.55. I need to display in lakhs. What is the query do I need to write to get this output.

    Thanks in advance


  • Can we use like that..

    if it helps

    declare @Lkd int;

    Declare @Tho int;

    Declare @Hun int;

    declare @num decimal;

    set @num=1055263.55;

    set @Lkd=@num/100000

    set @tho=((@num%100000)/100)

  • Probably something like

    DECLARE @T DECIMAL(10,2) = 1055263.55

    SELECT ROUND(@T/100000,2)

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