Get Domain

  • Hi Guys/Ladies.

    So I have a few ways of doing it but I would like to know the BEST, FASTEST way of retrieving the domain from an email address. Though this is a small example in need to find the domain for about a mil emails a day.

    Here is an example to get started.

    SELECT '' Email

    INTO #emails


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''

    Thanks in advance

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • What's the domain exactly? Everything after the @?

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  • Yes after the @

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • SELECT Email = ''

    INTO #emails


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''


    SELECT ''


    SELECT '';


    FROM #emails;

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  • Thank you Will try and test the performance

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • I hope you've already validated the format of the email address in your table. Koen's solution is probably (I haven't tested against other possibilities) screaming fast, but it will only pull the last domain from the address. For example, if you have (which is invalid), it will pull

    This is probably what you're after, but if you don't have your address format validated, you could end up with something you don't expect. Just be aware of it before it happens so you're not surprised later.

  • Ed Wagner (11/12/2014)

    I hope you've already validated the format of the email address in your table. Koen's solution is probably (I haven't tested against other possibilities) screaming fast, but it will only pull the last domain from the address. For example, if you have (which is invalid), it will pull

    This is probably what you're after, but if you don't have your address format validated, you could end up with something you don't expect. Just be aware of it before it happens so you're not surprised later.

    Yeah, I didn't include data validation checks in my code, because I didn't want to go down that dirty road 😀

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Yes the email is validated.

    In a perfect world I just want the best and fastest way getting the domain info

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • Koen Verbeeck (11/12/2014)

    Ed Wagner (11/12/2014)

    I hope you've already validated the format of the email address in your table. Koen's solution is probably (I haven't tested against other possibilities) screaming fast, but it will only pull the last domain from the address. For example, if you have (which is invalid), it will pull

    This is probably what you're after, but if you don't have your address format validated, you could end up with something you don't expect. Just be aware of it before it happens so you're not surprised later.

    Yeah, I didn't include data validation checks in my code, because I didn't want to go down that dirty road 😀

    I know exactly what you mean. I've tried several approaches and with all the rules, it gets complicated rather quickly. In concept, you'd think that something as simple as an email address would be simple to validate, but it isn't so in practice.

  • Daniel Matthee (11/12/2014)

    Yes the email is validated.

    In a perfect world I just want the best and fastest way getting the domain info

    I've compared Koen's approach with the famous DelimitedSplit8K ITVF using a one million row test table. The difference is sub-second, but Koen's approach is just slightly faster. On my server, I was looking at about 4 seconds to split 1M rows using a Varchar(1000) with a maximum length of 18. While it's always best to conduct your own benchmarking, I'd say you can feel pretty safe with it.

  • If the email address are, indeed, prevalidated, then there's no need for a triple reverse nor any use of DelimitedSplit8K, which actually returns too much information in this case. Try the following, instead.

    SELECT SUBSTRING(Email,CHARINDEX('@',Email)+1,8000)

    FROM #emails


    Heh... I think it was Albert Einstein that said something like "Make it as simple as possible but no simpler". 😛

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  • Jeff Moden (11/12/2014)

    If the email address are, indeed, prevalidated, then there's no need for a triple reverse nor any use of DelimitedSplit8K, which actually returns too much information in this case. Try the following, instead.

    SELECT SUBSTRING(Email,CHARINDEX('@',Email)+1,8000)

    FROM #emails


    Heh... I think it was Albert Einstein that said something like "Make it as simple as possible but no simpler". 😛

    Right, I was too lazy to calculate the length of the substring that needed to be extracted (which is why I went with the REVERSE trick), but I forgot you can just specify a very big integer and SQL Server will just take it to the end 😀

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