Using Union ALL or Union kills performance on a stored proc

  • Hi All,

    SQL Server 2008 r2...

    I have a query which does 3 selects and Union ALLs each to get a final result set. The performance is unacceptable - takes around a minute to run. If I remove the Union All so that the result sets are returned individually it returns all 3 from the query in around 6 seconds (acceptable performance).

    Can anyone shed some light on this and is there a way to join the result sets together without using Union All.

    Each result set has exactly the same structure returned...

    Many, Many thanks.

    Query below [for reference]...

    WITH cte AS (

    SELECT A.[PoleID], ISNULL(B.[IsSpanClear], 0) AS [IsSpanClear], B.[SurveyDate], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY A.[PoleID] ORDER BY B.[SurveyDate] DESC) rownum

    FROM [UT_Pole] A

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Surveyed_Pole] B ON A.[PoleID] = B.[PoleID]

    INNER JOIN [UT_Circuit] C ON A.[CircuitID] = C.[CircuitID]

    WHERE ISNULL(C.[ClientID], 0) = @ClientID


    -- Also select the search area itself --

    SELECT @SearchArea.STGeometryType() AS [GeometryType],

    @SearchArea.STAsText() AS [WKT],

    'Search Area' AS [Title],

    0 AS [ID],

    '' AS [BriefDetails],

    '' AS [MapObjectType],

    0 AS [ThematicValue]


    -- Select any pole objects that intersect the search area --

    SELECT A.[Location].STGeometryType() AS [GeometryType],

    A.[Location].STAsText() AS [WKT],

    A.[PoleID] AS [ID],

    '<strong>Span Reference:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(A.[PoleNumber], 'Unknown Span Reference') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Region:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(D.[RegionName], 'Unknown Region') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Sub-Area:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(E.[SubAreaName], 'Unknown Sub-Area') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Primary:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(F.[PrimaryName], 'Unknown Primary') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Feeder:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(G.[FeederName], 'Unknown Feeder') + 'cm&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Circuit Name:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(B.[CircuitName], 'Unknown Circuit Name') + 'cm&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Circuit #:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(B.[CircuitNumber], 'Unknown Circuit Number') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp' + '<a href=' + 'ShowDetailPopup(' + ISNULL(CAST(A.[PoleID] AS VARCHAR(10)), '0') + ');' + '>Full Span Details</a>' AS [BriefDetails],

    'Pole' AS [MapObjectType],

    CASE ISNULL(Y.[SurveyCount], 0)

    WHEN 0 THEN 2

    ELSE ISNULL(X.[IsSpanClear], 0)

    END AS [ThematicValue]

    FROM [cte] X

    INNER JOIN [UT_Pole] A ON A.[PoleID] = X.[PoleID]

    INNER JOIN [UT_Circuit] B ON A.[CircuitID] = B.[CircuitID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [EP_Client] C ON B.[ClientID] = C.[ClientID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Region] D ON B.[RegionID] = D.[RegionID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Sub_Area] E ON B.[SubAreaID] = E.[SubAreaID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Primary] F ON B.[PrimaryID] = F.[PrimaryID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Feeder] G ON B.[FeederID] = G.[FeederID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblPickListItem] H ON B.[VoltageID] = H.[intID]


    ISNULL(COUNT(A.[SurveyedPoleID]), 0) AS [SurveyCount]

    FROM [UT_Surveyed_Pole] A

    WHERE A.[SurveyStatusID] > 0

    GROUP BY A.[PoleID]) Y ON Y.[PoleID] = A.[PoleID]

    WHERE --ISNULL(A.[Location].STIsValid(), 0) = 1

    X.[rownum] = 1

    AND ISNULL(B.[ClientID], 0) = @ClientID

    AND A.[Location].STIntersects(@SearchArea) = 1


    -- Select any tree objects that intersect the search area --

    SELECT AA.[Location].STGeometryType() AS [GeometryType],

    AA.[Location].STAsText() AS [WKT],

    AA.[TreeID] AS [ID],

    '<font color=green><strong>Tree Reference:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(AA.[ReferenceNumber], 'Unknown Tree Reference') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Region:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(D.[RegionName], 'Unknown Region') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Sub-Area:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(E.[SubAreaName], 'Unknown Sub-Area') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Primary:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(F.[PrimaryName], 'Unknown Primary') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Feeder:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(G.[FeederName], 'Unknown Feeder') + 'cm&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Circuit Name:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(B.[CircuitName], 'Unknown Circuit Name') + 'cm&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<strong>Circuit #:</strong>&nbsp' + ISNULL(B.[CircuitNumber], 'Unknown Circuit Number') + '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</font>' + '<a href=' + 'ShowTreeDetailPopup(' + ISNULL(CAST(AA.[TreeID] AS VARCHAR(10)), '0') + ');' + '>Full Tree Details</a>' AS [BriefDetails],

    'Tree' AS [MapObjectType],

    0 AS [ThematicValue]

    FROM UT_Tree AA

    INNER JOIN [UT_Pole] A ON AA.[PoleID] = A.[PoleID]

    INNER JOIN [UT_Circuit] B ON A.[CircuitID] = B.[CircuitID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [EP_Client] C ON B.[ClientID] = C.[ClientID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Region] D ON B.[RegionID] = D.[RegionID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Sub_Area] E ON B.[SubAreaID] = E.[SubAreaID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Primary] F ON B.[PrimaryID] = F.[PrimaryID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [UT_Feeder] G ON B.[FeederID] = G.[FeederID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [tblPickListItem] H ON AA.[SizeBandID] = H.[intID]

    WHERE --ISNULL(AA.[Location].STIsValid(), 0) = 1

    ISNULL(B.[ClientID], 0) = @ClientID

    AND A.[Location].STIntersects(@SearchArea) = 1 -- Parent Pole intersects the search area --

  • Union all is usually the preferred way, if that's causing problems you could try inserting each resultset into a table variable and querying the table variable.

    To say anything useful about your query, we really need to see the execution plan.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for the response...

    I think I'll just return the 3 datasets and process them in a loop from the front-end...

  • You could execute the first result with "SELECT...INTO #temptable" into a temptable and subsequently adding the results of the 2nd and 3rd query to this temptable. Return the complete temptable to the frontend, so you don't need to loop there.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • You also need to get rid of all the ISNULL()s in the WHERE clause. You should follow this simple rule:

    Never use ISNULL() in a WHERE clause.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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