Unused Procedure lists - Most easiest way

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Unused Procedure lists - Most easiest way

  • Never needed this but did not 'really' know this existed. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Keep in mind that procs are listed only as long as they are in the cache. On a memory-constrained or busy server, stats could be lost/removed. Also, whenever SQL Server is stopped and restarted obviously the cache gets emptied and has to start over.

    That is, be careful when using this view and understand its limitations.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Good utility - required for clean-up activity of database. Thanks to Author

  • technically you can not reply on it since

    1. sproc's with recompile clause would not stay in cache.

    2.if there is memory pressure or something(server restart, manual reset) dm_exec_procedure_stats might be cleared.

    it is good to use for estimating though.

  • Use with caution. We have plenty of procedures that are in use and they do not show up in the dm_view...

    We store stored procedure usage over time and anything not in that list we would only remove if they do not reference temp tables.

  • Thanks for the script.

  • mariol 76344 (5/23/2016)

    Use with caution. We have plenty of procedures that are in use and they do not show up in the dm_view...

    Thanks for the warning.

  • You can also get erroneous output if the object_id of an object exists in more than 1 database. In my testing a stored procedure was reported as having last executed 20 days ago but I had only created it last week. It turned out that a stored procedure in another database had the same object_id.


  • Lee Linares (5/23/2016)

    You can also get erroneous output if the object_id of an object exists in more than 1 database. In my testing a stored procedure was reported as having last executed 20 days ago but I had only created it last week. It turned out that a stored procedure in another database had the same object_id.Lee

    That's going to be a problem for us.

  • To Lee's point, use the following CTE that filters on the current database_id so that you aren't counting hits from object_ids from other databases:

    select ISNULL(deps.database_id,-1) database_id,p.object_id,p.name

    ,ISNULL(deps.type,'P') type,ISNULL(deps.type_desc,'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE') type_desc

    ,ISNULL(deps.last_execution_time,'1900-01-01') last_execution_time,ISNULL(deps.execution_count,-1) execution_count


    from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats deps

    right outer join sys.procedures p on deps.object_id = p.object_id

    where database_id= db_id()

  • I like your solution, however, that method would NOT show the stored procedures that do NOT have a cached stored procedure plan. The Right JOIN Vignesh used was to include those procedures that had not been executed. Personally, I liked your modification since it is cleaner. Thanks.


  • But will this work if we are running rebuild and reorganize indexes every week and also i have noticed that few stored procedures cache gets cleared every day , may be because of lot of insert/update/deletes or some other reason.



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