Get closest int

  • Hi,

    I’m trying to write a query that will select closest value to Amount field in #TestValue without go over #SM.GMAdj value

    Outcome of the query should be something like

    PercRate Amount Code GMAdj Payment

    -------------- ----------- ---------------------------------

    6.00 ----172715 -----13 -------171314.36 ------900

    7.00 ----200200 -----18 -------200299.00 ------500

    Thank you for your help

    Tables are:

    SELECT PercRate, Amount, Code

    INTO #TestValues

    FROM (

    SELECT 6.00, 172715, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.50, 172716, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.00, 181351, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.50, 190419, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.00, 200000, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.50, 200100, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.00, 200200, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.50, 200300, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.00, 0, 21 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.50, 1, 21 UNION ALL

    ) d ( PercRate, Amount, Code);

    SELECT GMAdj, Payment, Code

    INTO #SM

    FROM (

    SELECT 171314.36, 909, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 200299, 500, 18

    ) d ( GMAdj, Payment, Code);

    SELECT * from #TestValues

    SELECT * from #SM

  • legeboka (1/8/2015)


    I’m trying to write a query that will select closest value to Amount field in #TestValue without go over #SM.GMAdj value

    Outcome of the query should be something like

    PercRate Amount Code GMAdj Payment

    -------------- ----------- ---------------------------------

    6.00 ----172715 -----13 -------171314.36 ------900

    7.00 ----200200 -----18 -------200299.00 ------500

    Thank you for your help

    Tables are:

    SELECT PercRate, Amount, Code

    INTO #TestValues

    FROM (

    SELECT 6.00, 172715, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.50, 172716, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.00, 181351, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.50, 190419, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.00, 200000, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.50, 200100, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.00, 200200, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7.50, 200300, 18 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.00, 0, 21 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6.50, 1, 21 UNION ALL

    ) d ( PercRate, Amount, Code);

    SELECT GMAdj, Payment, Code

    INTO #SM

    FROM (

    SELECT 171314.36, 909, 13 UNION ALL

    SELECT 200299, 500, 18

    ) d ( GMAdj, Payment, Code);

    SELECT * from #TestValues

    SELECT * from #SM

    I don't understand. You say "without go over #SM.GMAdj value" but one of your result lines is

    6.00 ----172715 -----13 -------171314.36 ------900

    and 172715 is clearly over 171214.36 .

    Maybe if the #SM.GMAdj is over all Amounts in the #TestValues table the the row with the smallest Amount is to be selected although it is over the GMAdj value ? ??


  • SELECT sm.*, tv_lookup.Amount AS tv_Amount, tv_lookup.PercRate AS tv_PercRate, tv_lookup.Code AS tv_Code

    FROM #SM sm


    SELECT TOP (1) *

    FROM #TestValues tv


    tv.Amount <= sm.GMAdj

    ORDER BY tv.Amount DESC

    ) AS tv_lookup

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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