Data fetching 80 million records ??

  • Hi,

    plz help me

    i have table below

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DR_Test](

    [source_item_id] [int] NOT NULL,

    [source_line_no] [int] NULL,

    [buyer_id] [int] NOT NULL,

    [seller_member_id] [int] NULL,

    [seller_type] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [advertiser_id] [int] NULL,

    [insertion_order_id] [int] NULL,

    [campaign_id] [int] NULL,

    [site_id] [int] NULL,

    [publisher_id] [int] NULL,

    [placement_id] [int] NULL,

    [creative_id] [int] NULL,

    [inventory_source_id] [int] NULL,

    [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [geo_country] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [payment_type] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [line_item_id] [int] NULL,

    [media_type_id] [int] NULL,

    [imp_type] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [clicks] [int] NULL,

    [commissions] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [imps] [int] NULL,

    [media_cost] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [publisher_rpm_publisher_currency] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [reseller_revenue] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [booked_revenue] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [serving_fees] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [post_click_convs] [int] NULL,

    [post_click_revenue] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [post_view_convs] [int] NULL,

    [post_view_revenue] [decimal](21, 5) NULL,

    [load_date] [datetime] NULL,

    [Timezone] [datetime] NULL,

    [SQNo] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,



    [SQNo] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    the table contains more than 80 million records so when i fetch the data using buyer_id & timezone its taking lot of more than 1 hours or so....& where buyer_id is not unique

    so how to fetch the data fast or need to change the structure of the table

    please suggest me


  • Please post the query that you're using and all the indexes on the table.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • we use a SP to get the data

    here is the SP

    USE [365_AppNexus_ODS]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetDeliveryReport] Script Date: 03/24/2015 06:59:16 ******/





    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetDeliveryReport]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @memberID int,

    @AdvertiserIDs nvarchar(max),

    @includeCostMetrics bit ,

    @QueryAdvertiserIDs varchar(max),

    @LineItemIDs nvarchar(max),

    -- @include_insertion_order_id bit,

    @include_line_item_id bit,

    @include_campaign_id bit,

    @include_placement_id bit,

    @include_creative_id bit,

    @Include_geo_country bit,

    @include_inventory_source_id bit,

    @include_site_id bit,

    @include_publisher_id bit,

    @Include_advertiser_id bit,

    @Include_payment_type bit,

    @Include_size bit,

    @TimePeriod nvarchar(100) ,

    @StartDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime


    EXEC [GetDeliveryReport] 364, '68668, 3442, 6076, 224187, 179178', 0, 0, '918565, 918840, 774239, 896246, 864729', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Daily', '2014-03-01 00:00:00.000', '2014-03-01 00:00:00.000'




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Select statements for procedure here

    IF CHARINDEX('-999',@LineItemIDs) > 0


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.#tmpAdvertisers') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #tmpAdvertisers

    create table #tmpAdvertisers

    (AdvertiserId varchar(20), AdvertiserName nvarchar(200),member_id int)

    -- populate temp tables

    if @QueryAdvertiserIDs = '0'


    if @AdvertiserIDs = '0'


    insert into #tmpAdvertisers (AdvertiserId, AdvertiserName,member_id)

    select advertiser_id, advertiser_name,member_id

    from AdvertiserMD (nolock)

    where member_id = @memberID

    AND isReal=1




    insert into #tmpAdvertisers (AdvertiserId, AdvertiserName,member_id)

    select advertiser_id, advertiser_name,member_id

    from AdvertiserMD (nolock)

    where member_id = @memberID

    and advertiser_id in (select item from dbo.udfSplit(@AdvertiserIDs, ','))

    AND isReal=1





    insert into #tmpAdvertisers (AdvertiserId, AdvertiserName,member_id)

    select advertiser_id, advertiser_name,member_id

    from AdvertiserMD (nolock)

    where member_id = @memberID

    and advertiser_id in (select item from dbo.udfSplit(@QueryAdvertiserIDs, ','))

    AND isReal=1


    --SELECT * FROM #tmpAdvertisers

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.#TempLineItemMDs') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #TempLineItemMDs

    CREATE TABLE #TempLineItemMDs

    (line_item_id int,name nvarchar(200),member_id int,advertiser_id int )

    if @LineItemIDs = '0'


    insert into #TempLineItemMDs (line_item_id, name,member_id,advertiser_id)

    select l.line_item_id , , l.member_id,l.advertiser_id

    from LineItemMD l (nolock)

    inner join #tmpAdvertisers ta on ta.AdvertiserId = l.advertiser_id




    insert into #TempLineItemMDs (line_item_id, name,member_id,advertiser_id)

    select l.line_item_id , , l.member_id,l.advertiser_id

    from LineItemMD l (nolock)

    where member_id = @memberID and line_item_id in (select item from dbo.udfSplit(@LineItemIDs, ','))


    --SELECT * FROM #TempLineItemMDs

    IF (@TimePeriod = 'Daily')



    Mb.MemberName as member_name

    ,Mb.Member_id as member_id



    --,AMd.AdvertiserName as advertiser_name


    ,case when @Include_advertiser_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_advertiser_id = 1 and DR.advertiser_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(AMd. AdvertiserName,'NA') end as advertiser_name

    ,case when @Include_advertiser_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_advertiser_id = 1 and DR.advertiser_id = 0 then -1 else DR.advertiser_id end as advertiser_id


    --,case @include_insertion_order_id when 0 then '0' else DR.insertion_order_id end as insertion_order_id

    ,case when @Include_line_item_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_line_item_id = 1 and DR.line_item_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(,'NA') end as line_item_name

    ,case when @Include_line_item_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_line_item_id = 1 and DR.line_item_id = 0 then -1 else DR.line_item_id end as line_item_id

    ,case when @Include_campaign_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_campaign_id = 1 and DR.campaign_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(CAMD.campaign_name,'NA') end as campaign_name

    ,case when @Include_campaign_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_campaign_id = 1 and DR.campaign_id = 0 then -1 else DR.campaign_id end as campaign_id

    ,case when @Include_placement_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_placement_id = 1 and DR.placement_id=0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(LUP.placement_name,'NA') end as placement_name

    ,case when @Include_placement_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_placement_id = 1 and dr.placement_id = 0 then -1 else DR.placement_id end as placement_id

    ,case when @Include_creative_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_creative_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(CRMD.creative_name,'NA') end as creative_name

    ,case when @Include_creative_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_creative_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then -1 else DR.creative_id end as creative_id

    ,case when @Include_size = 0 then 'ALL' else isnull(DR.Size,'') end as size


    ,case when DR.imp_type = 'Blank' then 1 when DR.imp_type = 'PSA' then 2 when DR.imp_type = 'Default Error' then 3 when DR.imp_type = 'Default' then 4 when DR.imp_type = 'Kept' then 5 when DR.imp_type = 'Resold' then 6 when DR.imp_type = 'RTB' then 7 when DR.imp_type = 'PSA Default Error' then 8 when DR.imp_type = 'External Impression' then 9 when DR.imp_type = 'External Click' then 10 when DR.imp_type = 'Insertion' then 11 end as imp_type

    ,case @Include_geo_country when 0 then 'ALL' else isnull(DR.geo_country,'') end as geo_country

    ,case @Include_payment_type when 0 then 'ALL' else isnull(DR.payment_type,'') end as payment_type

    --,case when @include_inventory_source_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @include_inventory_source_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL--(LUI.inventory_source_name,'NA') end as inventory_source_name

    ,case when @include_inventory_source_id = 0 then 0 when @include_inventory_source_id = 1 and DR.inventory_source_id = 0 then -1 else DR.inventory_source_id end as inventory_source_id

    ,case when @include_site_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @include_site_id = 1 and DR.site_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(,'NA') end as site_name

    ,case when @include_site_id = 0 then 0 when @include_site_id = 1 and DR.site_id = 0 then -1 else DR.site_id end as site_id

    ,case when @include_publisher_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @include_publisher_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(LUPB.publisher_name,'NA') end as publisher_name

    ,case when @include_publisher_id = 0 then 0 when @include_publisher_id = 1 and DR.publisher_id = 0 then -1 else DR.publisher_id end as publisher_id

    --,replace(convert(varchar(12), DR.[day], 106), ' ', '-') as created_on Changed for the Time Zone and The Day Light Saving tacke into Account

    ,replace(convert(varchar(12), DR.Timezone, 106), ' ', '-') as [date]--created_on

    ,SUM(DR.clicks) as clicks

    ,SUM(DR.imps) as imps

    , case when SUM(DR.imps) =0 then NULL else cast(cast(SUM(DR.clicks) as decimal(21,3) )/cast( SUM(DR.imps) as decimal(21,3) ) as decimal(21,3)) end as ctr

    ,SUM(DR.post_click_convs) as post_click_convs

    ,case when SUM(DR.imps) =0 then NULL else cast(cast(SUM(DR.post_click_convs) as decimal(21,3) ) / cast ( SUM(DR.imps) as decimal(21,3) ) as decimal(21,3)) end as post_click_convs_rate

    ,SUM(DR.post_view_convs) as post_view_convs

    ,case when SUM(DR.imps) =0 then NULL else cast(cast ( SUM(DR.post_view_convs) as decimal(21,3) ) / cast ( SUM(DR.imps) as decimal(21,3) ) as decimal(21,3)) end as post_view_convs_rate

    ,(SUM(DR.post_click_convs) + SUM(DR.post_view_convs)) as total_convs

    ,case when SUM(DR.imps) =0 then NULL else cast(cast((SUM(DR.post_click_convs) + SUM(DR.post_view_convs))as decimal(21,3)) / SUM(DR.imps) as decimal(21,3)) end as convs_rate

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast((SUM(DR.media_cost)) as decimal(21,3)) end as cost

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else case when SUM(DR.imps) =0 then NULL else cast(((SUM(DR.media_cost) / SUM(DR.imps)) * 1000) as decimal(21,3)) end end as cpm --

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.commissions) as decimal(21,3)) end as commissions --

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.publisher_rpm_publisher_currency) as decimal(21,3)) end as publisher_rpm_publisher_currency

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.reseller_revenue) as decimal(21,3)) end as reseller_revenue

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.booked_revenue) as decimal(21,3)) end as booked_revenue

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.serving_fees)as decimal(21,3)) end as serving_fees

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.post_click_revenue) as decimal(21,3)) end as post_click_revenue

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast(SUM(DR.post_view_revenue) as decimal(21,3)) end as post_view_revenue

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else cast((SUM(DR.booked_revenue) - SUM(DR.media_cost))as decimal(21,3)) end as profit -- AS per QA Sehet Booked Revenue - COST

    --,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else case when SUM(DR.post_click_convs) = 0 and SUM(DR.post_click_convs) =0 then NULL else cast(((SUM(DR.media_cost)/(SUM(DR.post_click_convs))+SUM(DR.post_view_convs))) as decimal(21,3)) end end as cost_ecpa

    --,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else case when (SUM(DR.post_click_convs) + SUM(DR.post_click_convs)) =0 then 0 else cast(((SUM(DR.media_cost)/(SUM(DR.post_click_convs))+SUM(DR.post_view_convs))) as decimal(21,3)) end end as cost_ecpa

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else case when (SUM(DR.post_click_convs) + SUM(DR.post_view_convs)) =0 then 0 else cast((SUM(DR.media_cost)/(SUM(DR.post_click_convs)+SUM(DR.post_view_convs))) as decimal(21,3)) end end as cost_ecpa

    ,case @includeCostMetrics when 0 then null else case when SUM(DR.clicks) = 0 then 0 else cast((SUM(DR.media_cost)/SUM(DR.clicks)) as decimal(21,3)) end end as cost_ecpc

    ,case @include_creative_id when 0 then null else CM.ad_server end as adserver_name

    ,case @include_creative_id when 0 then null else CM.placement_id end as adserver_placement_id


    DeliveryReport DR (nolock) inner join

    Member Mb on Mb.Member_id = DR.buyer_id

    inner join #tmpAdvertisers AMD on AMD.AdvertiserId = DR.advertiser_id and AMD.member_id = DR.buyer_id

    inner join #TempLineItemMDs LIMD on LIMD.member_id = DR.buyer_id and LIMD.advertiser_id = DR.advertiser_id and LIMD.line_item_id = DR.line_item_id

    inner join CampaignMD CAMD (nolock) on CAMD.member_id = DR.buyer_id and CAMD.advertiser_id = DR.advertiser_id and CAMD.campaign_id = DR.campaign_id

    inner join CreativeMD CRMD (nolock) on CRMD.member_id = DR.buyer_id and CRMD.advertiser_id = DR.advertiser_id and CRMD.creative_id = DR.creative_id

    left join LookUp_Placements LUP (nolock) on lup.member_id = DR.buyer_id and LUP.placement_id = DR.placement_id

    --inner join LookUp_InventorySource LUI on LUI.member_id = DR.buyer_id and LUI.inventory_source_id = DR.inventory_source_id

    left join LookUp_Site LUS (nolock) on LUS.member_id = DR.buyer_id and LUS.site_id = DR.site_id and LUS.publisher_id = DR.publisher_id

    left join LookUp_Publisher LUPB (nolock) on LUPB.member_id = DR.buyer_id and DR.publisher_id = LUPB.publisher_id

    left join Creative_Mapped cm on DR.buyer_id = cm.member_id and DR.advertiser_id = cm.advertiser_id and DR.creative_id = cm.creative_id


    --DR.[day] between @StartDate and @EndDate as created_on Changed for the Time Zone and The Day Light Saving tacke into Account

    DR.Timezone between @StartDate and @EndDate

    and DR.buyer_id = @memberID

    group by







    ,case when @Include_advertiser_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_advertiser_id = 1 and DR.advertiser_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(AMd. AdvertiserName,'NA') end

    ,case when @Include_advertiser_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_advertiser_id = 1 and DR.advertiser_id = 0 then -1 else DR.advertiser_id end


    --,case @include_insertion_order_id when 0 then 0 else DR.insertion_order_id end

    ,case when @Include_line_item_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_line_item_id = 1 and DR.line_item_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(,'NA') end

    ,case when @Include_line_item_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_line_item_id = 1 and DR.line_item_id = 0 then -1 else DR.line_item_id end

    ,case when @Include_campaign_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_campaign_id = 1 and DR.campaign_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(CAMD.campaign_name,'NA') end

    ,case when @Include_campaign_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_campaign_id = 1 and DR.campaign_id = 0 then -1 else DR.campaign_id end

    ,case when @Include_placement_id = 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_placement_id = 1 and DR.placement_id=0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(LUP.placement_name,'NA') end

    ,case when @Include_placement_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_placement_id = 1 and dr.placement_id = 0 then -1 else DR.placement_id end

    ,case when @Include_creative_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @Include_creative_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(CRMD.creative_name,'NA') end

    ,case when @Include_creative_id = 0 then 0 when @Include_creative_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then -1 else DR.creative_id end

    ,case when @Include_size = 0 then 'ALL' else isnull(DR.Size,'') end


    ,case when DR.imp_type = 'Blank' then 1 when DR.imp_type = 'PSA' then 2 when DR.imp_type = 'Default Error' then 3 when DR.imp_type = 'Default' then 4 when DR.imp_type = 'Kept' then 5 when DR.imp_type = 'Resold' then 6 when DR.imp_type = 'RTB' then 7 when DR.imp_type = 'PSA Default Error' then 8 when DR.imp_type = 'External Impression' then 9 when DR.imp_type = 'External Click' then 10 when DR.imp_type = 'Insertion' then 11 end

    ,case @Include_geo_country when 0 then 'ALL' else isnull(DR.geo_country,'') end

    ,case @Include_payment_type when 0 then 'ALL' else isnull(DR.payment_type,'') end

    --,case when @include_inventory_source_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @include_inventory_source_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(LUI.inventory_source_name,'NA') end

    ,case when @include_inventory_source_id = 0 then 0 when @include_inventory_source_id = 1 and DR.inventory_source_id = 0 then -1 else DR.inventory_source_id end

    ,case when @include_site_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @include_site_id = 1 and DR.site_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(,'NA') end

    ,case when @include_site_id = 0 then 0 when @include_site_id = 1 and DR.site_id = 0 then -1 else DR.site_id end

    ,case when @include_publisher_id= 0 then 'ALL' when @include_publisher_id = 1 and DR.creative_id = 0 then 'Not Set' else ISNULL(LUPB.publisher_name,'NA') end

    ,case when @include_publisher_id = 0 then 0 when @include_publisher_id = 1 and DR.publisher_id = 0 then -1 else DR.publisher_id end

    --,DR.[day] as created_on Changed for the Time Zone and The Day Light Saving tacke into Account


    ,case @include_creative_id when 0 then null else CM.ad_server end

    ,case @include_creative_id when 0 then null else CM.placement_id end


    DROP TABLE #tmpAdvertisers

    DROP TABLE #TempLineItemMDs




    /****** Object: Index [CDX_DeliveryReport] Script Date: 03/24/2015 06:56:32 ******/

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [CDX_DeliveryReport] ON [dbo].[DeliveryReport]


    [buyer_id] ASC,

    [advertiser_id] ASC,

    [insertion_order_id] ASC,

    [campaign_id] ASC,

    [publisher_id] ASC,

    [placement_id] ASC,

    [creative_id] ASC,

    [inventory_source_id] ASC,

    [site_id] ASC,

    [payment_type] ASC,

    [geo_country] ASC,


    [line_item_id] ASC,

    [media_type_id] ASC,

    [imp_type] ASC,

    [Timezone] ASC



    please help


  • Could you please post the execution plan?

    Maybe adding a few indexes at those temp tables it can help, the aggregation is what is killing you

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