Query to show table Products with its modes

  • Hello, I need assistance with a query that show me a Products Tables and its models, 1 product could have 2 or more models

    Example Table Products

    id Name

    1 Product 1

    2 Product 2

    3 Product 3


    Example Table Models

    idmodel idproduct model

    1 1 Model 1

    2 1 Model 2

    3 1 Model 3

    4 2 Model 1

    5 2 Model 2

    6 3 Model 1


    And I want to show:

    Product Model

    Product 1 Model 1

    Model 2

    Model 3

    Product 2 Model 1

    Model 2

    Product 3 Model 1

    How can I query to show that?



  • You may build XML structured as requiered. Find samples here


    Post DDL and sample data if more assistance is needed.

  • This looks like a presentation requirement rather than a data requirement.

    You could pull the whole of the table into Excel and use Pivot tables.

    If you need to show details about each level (e.g. product name, price, description) then underneath details of the model (colour,size, etc) then a report in SSRS would be most appropriate but you would still pull a single dataset with the product data repeated for each model row. The presentation could be done just as easily in Crystal Reports, Access Reports, QlikView, Tableau or any number of other reporting packages.

    As already stated XML would be a generic solution for this data if you need to make it portable.


  • sistemas_casinomnes (11/28/2014)

    Hello, I need assistance with a query that show me a Products Tables and its models, 1 product could have 2 or more models

    its slow with sql - use the front end, but it can be done smth like this

    declare @products table (id int identity primary key, name nvarchar(100))

    declare @models table (idmodel int identity primary key, idproduct int, model nvarchar(100))

    insert into @products (name) values ('Product 1'),('Product 2'),('Product 3')

    insert into @models (idproduct,model) values (1,'Model 1'),(1,'Model 2'),(1,'Model 3'),(2,'Model 1'),(2,'Model 2'),(3,'Model 1')

    ;with result as (

    select id,name, model, row_number() over (order by id,idmodel) rn from @products inner join @models on id=idproduct


    select case when id=(select id from result b where b.rn=a.rn-1) then null else name end as product, model from result a

  • It won't be slow if you avoid the self join of the CTE, which causes it to go through both tables twice. This will work almost as fast as if you didn't do any formatting.


    cteEnumerate AS


    SELECT p.Name



    FROM @Products p

    JOIN @Models m ON p.ID = m.IDProduct


    SELECT Product = CASE WHEN RowNum > 1 THEN '' ELSE Name END,


    FROM cteEnumerate


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks a lot for your help!!!

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