Finding Missing values

  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Thomas and I am brand new to T-SQL. I was thrown into writing our company reports a little over two months ago. I am completley self-taught so forgive any ignorance I may show. I was throw into this out of necessity,we are a non-profit and cant afford any more IT staff.

    However have found that I really like reports!

    My question is how do I find a missing value?

    We want to know what clients who have had a visit greater than 01/01/2013 are also missing their Client Intake Forms with a form create date also greater than 01/01/2013. This information will be pulled from two tables. The table containing the document information and the table containing the visit information. They are joined on "PatientID".

    The client intake form is text value under the "Document Description Column" along with several other Document's such as referals, ROI's ect. I can easily pull the information on who has a Intake Form but struggling on who does not.

    Please see my "who does query"

    Select Distinct AS 'DoucumentID'

    ,dbo.DocumentList.patientId AS 'ClientID'

    ,dbo.DocumentList.createdDT AS 'Document Date'

    ,docTypeDescription AS 'Document Name'


    From dbo.DocumentList

    Inner JOIN dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments ON

    dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments.[Patient: Patient ID]=patientId

    Where docTypeDescription IN('Client Intake Information Form')

    and visitdate > '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000'

    and createdDT >'2013-01-01 00:00:00.000'

    Thanks any help is appreciated!

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Hi

    To assist people in helping you, you will need to post more information on your table structures and give some sample data. This article describes best practice.

    I would say that the most likely way you want to do this is use a NOT EXISTS.

    Guessing at the structure of your tables, something like this may do the trick:

    SELECT cp.[Patient: Patient ID]

    , cp.visitdate

    FROM dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments AS cp

    WHERE visitdate > '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000'


    -- Selects any Intake forms for the patient after their visit. If one

    -- exists the patient will not be returned

    SELECT 1 -- Just a place holder

    FROM dbo.DocumentList AS dl

    WHERE dl.docTypeDescription IN('Client Intake Information Form')

    AND dl.patientId = cp.[Patient: Patient ID] -- Join to patient

    AND dl.createdDT >'2013-01-01 00:00:00.000'


  • Thanks Micky I'm going to work on that right now:-)

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • First, welcome to the SSC forums. This is a great place to get help and for someone looking to grow their SQL skills.

    Note the link in my signature line for getting better answers to your SQL questions. Providing us with DDL will help us provide you with the best answers.

    That said, I put together some sample data and a query that I think will do what you need (or at least get you much closer).

    USE tempdb;




    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.DocumentList') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.DocumentList;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.DocumentList

    ( id int primary key,

    patientID int not null,

    createdDT date not null,

    docTypeDescription varchar(100) not null);

    CREATE TABLE dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments

    ( xaction_id int primary key,

    patientID int not null,

    visitDate date not null)

    INSERT INTO dbo.DocumentList

    SELECT 1, 100, '2013-01-03', 'Client Intake Information Form' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 101, '2013-02-24', 'Client Intake Information Form' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 102, '2013-03-10', 'Client Intake Information Form' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 103, '2013-05-30', 'Some other form';

    INSERT INTO dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments

    SELECT 1, 100, '2013-06-02' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 101, '2013-05-02' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 102, '2013-06-12' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, 103, '2013-06-18';

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.DocumentList

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments


    -- (2) THE QUERY


    WITH AllClients AS

    ( SELECT dl.patientID, ISNULL(ttl,0) AS ClientIntakeFormCount

    FROM dbo.DocumentList dl


    SELECT patientID, COUNT(*) AS ttl

    FROM dbo.DocumentList

    WHERE docTypeDescription='Client Intake Information Form'

    GROUP BY patientID) AS xx

    ON dl.patientID=xx.patientID)

    SELECT --DISTINCT AS 'DoucumentID'

    ,dl.patientId AS 'ClientID'

    ,dl.createdDT AS 'Document Date'

    -- ,docTypeDescription AS 'Document Name'


    WHEN ac.ClientIntakeFormCount>=1 THEN 'Yes'

    ELSE 'No'

    END AS ClientIntakeCompleteed


    From dbo.DocumentList AS dl

    INNER JOIN AllClients ac

    ON dl.patientID=ac.patientID

    INNER JOIN dbo.dsCHCChargesAndPayments AS dcp

    ON dl.patientID=dcp.patientID

    --AND dl.docTypeDescription IN('Client Intake Information Form')

    AND visitdate > '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000'

    AND createdDT > '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000'

    ORDER BY 'Document Date'

    Let us know if this is what you are looking for. Cheers!

    Edit: MickyT's NOT EXISTS method is the better way to go (I was still typing when he posted his query).

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Micky you are one awsome dude! Worked like a charm:w00t: I had to get this list the old fashion way by hand comparing lists in excel and then do alot of ground work, erggg. Not a fan of Love SQL though.

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • You're welcome and I'm glad to be of assistance.

  • thomashohner (7/16/2013)

    Micky you are one awsome dude! Worked like a charm:w00t: I had to get this list the old fashion way by hand comparing lists in excel and then do alot of ground work, erggg. Not a fan of Love SQL though.

    FYI, depending on how your spreadsheet is setup you can use the Import/Export Wizard (right-click on a database in SSMS, go to Tasks and select Import Data) to import that Excel Data. This may save you time in the future.

    More about importing Excel data into SQL Server:

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • You guys are great thanks for all the help! I am one of those weirdo's that even though I have been only writing sql statements for a couple of months I find it extremely fun. Cant wait to learn as much as I can currently reading Joes for Pros series.

    Thanks again guys:-)

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

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