Failure Sending Mail. the user or group name is not recognized

  • My issue is that I have created many different Subscriptions. they have been working regularly for over a year. All of a sudden in the last week they have started failing to send mail. I am the owner of all the Subscriptions and some are still running fine. Others work one time and then fail the next. I have rebuilt the subscriptions and checked all the values, they seem to be the same.

    I have since moved all the subscriptions to be owned by Network Service to see if this will work.

    Any ideas as to the cause and should I keep the subscription with Network Service

  • Hi,

    If the subscription failed to delivery emails, it could cause by factors below:

    a. The SQL Server Agent job is not firing

    b. RS is not processing the subscription events

    c. SMTP is not delivering the emails

    d. The report or subscription is invalid

    In your scenario, I would suggest you check the root cause use Reporting Services Trace Log File ( C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles).

    Please refer to articles:[/url]

  • thanks for the direction.

    SQL Agent firing - Check

    RS Processing Subscriptions - Check

    SMTP delivering emails - Check (for many of the subscriptions)

    Subscription invalid (I think this may be the issue with passwords not matching between applications)

    I am checking into the last item. I have created new subscriptions today and they have been working. I also have created a history table for subscription events to see if there is any pattern.

    I will update once I know more.

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