Report Builder 3.0 Save permission

  • Users who are members of the Local Admin group can save rdl files into Report Server folders. I have several users to whom I DON'T want to grant admin privileges, but who should be able to save rdl's. How do I do that? Ideally, I'd like to be able to use a domain group and limit which folders they can save to, but I'd be happy to be able to give them save permissions on all folders without having to put them in Local Admin.

  • You can assign the Publisher role to users or the group for the folders you wish to allow them to save to.

    Alternatively you can enable to "My Reports" feature within Reporting Services. This provides users with a My Documents style folder invisible to other users that they can save or delete their reports in. This can prevent clutter or users inadvertently saving changes to other standard reports. We do this so we can triage what is then published for general consumption.

    Look up the Report Server role based security for more details. You should be using this rather then local admin rights to control access. Users in the local admin group will not be affected by the Role Based permissions since Report Server treats them as a report server admin, you should be aware of this and think about changing your strategy.

  • Using local admin wasn't really a 'strategy', it was more of a Forlorn Hope just to get the job done while I found a sway to do it correctly. 🙂

    Reports are organized in 18 folders and that hierarchy is reflected in the application that users experience. A *very* few users have the requirement and skills to make limited changes to the standard reports by opening them and saving copies with new names. That's the access I'd like to control with groups.

    I'll look at the approach you describe.

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