Log File Growth

  • Hi,

    One of the database log file is having only 12% space free which is in full recovery model but when i exec dbcc sqlperf(logspace) its shows 1.87% only used we are in DWH environment & don't take any log backups

    what should i need to do ??


  • If you database is in the full recovery mode, you need to be taking regular log backups.

    Where are you getting the 12% free space figure from?

  • santoshkal (9/23/2014)

    One of the database log file is having only 12% space free which is in full recovery model but when i exec dbcc sqlperf(logspace) its shows 1.87% only used we are in DWH environment & don't take any log backups

    There's your problem right there.

    Full recovery model is for when you need point-in-time recovery and intend to take log backups to allow that. If you don't need point-in-time recovery, then the DB should be in simple recovery model.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • ya its Simple recovery model ... we have a support team who monitors the size

    DatabaseSize UnallocatedSize AllocatedSize AvailableSpace AvailableSpaceIn% MaxSize

    2.891299 0.179775 2.711523 17.28848 86.44238 20

    Num_Of_Tables LogFileSize LogFileUsedSize AvailableLogSizeInPercent

    29 1007608 891647 12

  • From what you posted, the first script shows that your database has 86% space free overall (including your log file),

    The second output shows that you have 12% in your log file, but you're getting a different figure? Are the scripts being run on the same database, at the same time?

  • yes data base is same ...

    how to check the used log space ? any script ?


  • This will show you the bytes in use in each of the transaction logs in the databases on the system:-

    USE [master];



    DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database],

    SUM(database_transaction_log_bytes_used_system) AS [System Bytes Used],

    SUM(database_transaction_log_bytes_used) AS [Bytes Used]






    DB_NAME(database_id) ASC

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