SELECT a String

  • Hi I have string as below:

    InvoiceTemplateId= SOURCE.InvoiceTemplateId

    ,Name= SOURCE.Name

    ,DetailTotalUnitsQty= SOURCE.DetailTotalUnitsQty

    ,InsertedDate= SOURCE.InsertedDate

    ,UpdatedDate= SOURCE.UpdatedDate

    ,Distributor_Id= SOURCE.Distributor_Id

    ,InsertedBy= SOURCE.InsertedBy

    ,UpdatedBy= SOURCE.UpdatedBy

    I need a string Like below:

    Name= SOURCE.Name

    ,DetailTotalUnitsQty= SOURCE.DetailTotalUnitsQty

    ,InsertedDate= SOURCE.InsertedDate

    ,UpdatedDate= SOURCE.UpdatedDate

    ,Distributor_Id= SOURCE.Distributor_Id

    ,InsertedBy= SOURCE.InsertedBy

    ,UpdatedBy= SOURCE.UpdatedBy

    So I need every thing except the First value before first comma . So could some one help in TSQL .. Thanks in Advance

  • I'm leaving 3 possible options. Please don't cross post as it will only fragment the answers.

    SELECT String,

    STUFF( String, 1, CHARINDEX( ',', String), ''),

    SUBSTRING( String, CHARINDEX( ',', String) + 1, 8000),

    RIGHT( String, LEN(String) - CHARINDEX( ',', String))


    'InvoiceTemplateId= SOURCE.InvoiceTemplateId

    ,Name= SOURCE.Name

    ,DetailTotalUnitsQty= SOURCE.DetailTotalUnitsQty

    ,InsertedDate= SOURCE.InsertedDate

    ,UpdatedDate= SOURCE.UpdatedDate

    ,Distributor_Id= SOURCE.Distributor_Id

    ,InsertedBy= SOURCE.InsertedBy

    ,UpdatedBy= SOURCE.UpdatedBy'))x(String)

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
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