Sporadic Failed Native SQL Server backups - Access Denied

  • Hello!

    I've a bit of an odd issue and as always this is my favorite place to turn.

    I currently have a SQL Server 2012 instance which was backing up, native SQL Server backups, to a server VIA UNC. Backups went without a hitch, service accounts all domain accounts.

    We had a major issue with where the backups went and now we are using a new device. At first the backups went perfectly to the new UNC path.... all of a sudden they started to fail once an hour, and one failure every other 15 minute mark, and then failed for hours.

    The error when they fail is "Access denied" which is odd because if the service account didn't have access they would always fail.

    I've been wracking my brain, I've tried using server name, ip address, a different service account, my domain account and it's always the same pattern, they'll work one or two times, fail, then work and then fail.

    Could the issue be with the domain controller? I guess it would be odd that the DC is suddenly having an issue as soon as we put in a new server for backups... I don't think it's a network issue, but in theory could it be the server is losing connection to the DC sporadically?

    Any thoughts would be welcome!

  • It sure sounds like something in the network configuration. There's not exactly a lot of variation in how you can type BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = that's going to result in variations in permissions on that drive. I'd push this back on the network admins pretty hard.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • If it was connection to the AD controller I would think the message would be more toward a type of login failure, not necessarily access denied. Access denied would tell me it is something on the file server you are trying to backup to.

    You might try reviewing the destination server's event log to see if it is logging anything in the security log for that directory. Remember there are two levels of permissions for UNC paths, the physical directory and the share path, permissions could have easily been changed on either one of those to cause problems; especially if it is maintained by group policy.

    Just one more thing to check as well is it could be a UAC issue on the file server. I would expect SQL Server might return something like "Access Denied" if UAC was getting in the way.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Blog: wsmelton.github.com
    Github: wsmelton

  • Thank you both.

    Our network/System Engineer is looking into both the network and will double check the permissions.

  • Even a small network glitch can cause a failure of a backup to a UNC location on another server. If you have the space on the server it is best to backup local and then move the file to the UNC location.

  • The Network admin updated some software and firmware on the server and everything is working now.

    Thank you for all the replies!

  • Can you please specify which software and firmware? We have also same issue running SQL Server

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