Just a question...sort of a strange find

  • I was wondering if anyone knows what pushing control + 2 is? I was attempting to declare a parameter and instead of shift + 2 I pushed cntrl + 2 and this was executed and returned the data in the table..

    spid dbid ObjId IndId Type Resource Mode Status

    51 31 0 0 DB S GRANT

    52 4 0 0 DB S GRANT

    53 31 0 0 DB S GRANT

    54 38 0 0 DB S GRANT

    55 31 0 0 DB S GRANT

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174205.aspx

    According to that document - CTRL + 2 runs sp_lock (system stored procedure)

  • Keyboard shortcut, ran the procedure sp_lock. Check out Tools -> Options -> Keyboard -> Query Shortcuts.

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