Spell Checking no longer working on Mozilla Firefox

  • This may totally be the current client (and I am happy to accept that it is - someone please confirm that this is OK for you in the same browser) but the spell check dialog continually stays in the state where it claims to be "Spell Checking in progress..." (screen attached).

    This occurs on the editorial forums, which I can switch to in order to replicate, but this post has no issues as I write it (and switch back to do it).

    The following are browser details:

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    Just spell checked again (after adding quote above) and it has started failing.

    Had a thought and cut the quote and it spell checked fine.

    Pasted quote back in and it never stopped spell checking.

    Cut the quote again and it spell checked fine once again.

    Edit: Spelling. Of course. 😛


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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