Tiered Commission Plan

  • This example has been simplified so I can explain the concept I’m trying to figure out. The actual task I have will have several invoices and the compensation plan will have more levels.

    Company XYZ has a bonus plan for its sales force. If the volume of the sale is between 1 and 10000 there is a $10 bonus per unit; between 10001 and 20000 $20 a unit and 20001 and above $30 a unit.

    I have a sample calculation of how a single row’s bonus would be calculated but I’m confused how this would be automated to do all the rows at once.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RawData') > 0 DROP TABLE #RawData

    CREATE TABLE #RawData (Invoice varchar(7), Quantity int, Cost numeric(11,2))

    INSERT INTO #RawData

    SELECT '8000001', 200, 30000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '8000002', 250, 12000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '8000003', 220, 10000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '8000004', 280, 18000


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CompPlan') > 0 DROP TABLE #CompPlan

    CREATE TABLE #CompPlan (Tier int, LowVal numeric(11,2), HighVal numeric(11,2), Bonus numeric(11,2))

    INSERT INTO #CompPlan

    SELECT 1, .01, 10000, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 10000.01, 20000, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 20000.01, 99999, 30


    DECLARE @Cost numeric(11,2)= 30000

    DECLARE @Quantity int = 200

    SELECT Tier, @Quantity * Bonus *

    ((CASE WHEN @Cost >= LowVal AND @Cost > HighVal THEN (HighVal - LowVal + .01)

    WHEN @Cost >= LowVal AND @Cost <= HighVal THEN (@Cost - LowVal + .01) ELSE 0 END) / @Cost)

    FROM #CompPlan

  • This is the logical equivalent of a V/HLOOKUP in Excel. Something like this should work:

    DECLARE @SalePrice SMALLMONEY = 250.00;

    SELECT MAX(Bonus)

    FROM #CompPlan

    WHERE HighVal<@SalePrice;

    -- sorry, I guess I left one thing out. If you create a table that has the bonus scales, then this becomes just stupid easy. If you have to modify the bonus structure, if it's in a table it's pretty simple.

  • If I do a join I'm not getting the expected result because the calculation needs to cycle through every row. I'm trying to calculate the bonus on all invoices at once.


    SELECT Invoice, Quantity, Cost,

    ((CASE WHEN Cost >= LowVal AND Cost > HighVal THEN (HighVal - LowVal + .01)

    WHEN Cost >= LowVal AND Cost <= HighVal THEN (Cost - LowVal + .01) ELSE 0 END) / Cost)

    FROM #RawData A

    LEFT JOIN #CompPlan B

    ON A.Cost BETWEEN LowVal AND HighVal

  • Not Correct Result (right column)

    8000001 200 $30,000.00 0.3333

    8000002 250 $12,000.00 0.1667

    8000003 220 $10,000.00 1

    8000004 280 $18,000.00 0.4444

    Correct Result (right column)

    8000001 200 $30,000.00 $4,000.00

    8000002 250 $12,000.00 $2,916.66

    8000003 220 $10,000.00 $2,200.00

    8000004 280 $18,000.00 $4,044

    Example of Result Needed by Level for Invoice 8000001 is $4,000.00 (sum levels 1,2,3)

    1 $666.67

    2 $1,333.33

    3 $2,000.00

    So the lookup to the Compensation Plan table needs to go through each level, this is a waterfall type method.

  • Quick simple solution, note that the output is not formatted but that's easy


    USE tempdb;




    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RawData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #RawData;

    CREATE TABLE #RawData (Invoice varchar(7), Quantity int, Cost numeric(11,2));

    INSERT INTO #RawData

    SELECT '8000001', 200, 30000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '8000002', 250, 12000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '8000003', 220, 10000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '8000004', 280, 18000;


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CompPlan') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #CompPlan;

    CREATE TABLE #CompPlan (Tier int, LowVal numeric(11,2), HighVal numeric(11,2), Bonus numeric(11,2));

    INSERT INTO #CompPlan

    SELECT 1, .01, 10000, 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 10000.01, 20000, 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 20000.01, 99999, 30 ;






    WHEN RD.Cost > CP.HighVal THEN (CP.HighVal - CP.LowVal + 0.01)

    WHEN RD.Cost BETWEEN CP.LowVal AND CP.HighVal THEN (RD.Cost - CP.LowVal + 0.01)

    ELSE 0

    END / RD.Cost) * RD.Quantity * CP.Bonus) AS BONUS

    FROM #RawData RD

    OUTER APPLY #CompPlan CP

    GROUP BY RD.Invoice




    Invoice Quantity Cost BONUS

    ------- ---------- ---------- ------------

    8000001 200 30000.00 4000.000000

    8000002 250 12000.00 2916.666666

    8000003 220 10000.00 2200.000000

    8000004 280 18000.00 4044.444445

  • wow thanks

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