get list of last non null values

  • I have two tables, a dates table and a values table. They are joined on the date column.

    The date table has a range, say from today as far as 20 days from now, incrementing by 1 day each row.

    The values table may have a row for a day, and may not.

    If the day has a value I want to display that value.

    If the day does not have a value in the values table I want to display the last known value.

    I think this can be done with windowing functions in a set based manner but have not been able to work it out. I have done it procedurally but im not happy with that at all, and really want to see if this is possible in a set based manner.

    Below is some simplified code to allow testing with sample data. Appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on this.


    create table DimDate


    DateCol date


    create table TotalsData


    DateCol date

    ,Value int


    insert into Dimdate


    ,(dateadd(day, 1,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 2,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 3,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 4,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 5,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 6,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 7,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 8,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 9,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 10,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 11,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 12,getdate()))

    insert into TotalsData

    values(getdate(), 1)

    ,(dateadd(day, 3, getdate()), 55)

    ,(dateadd(day, 7, getdate()), 66)

    ,(dateadd(day, 9, getdate()), 77)

    ,(dateadd(day, 11, getdate()), 88)

  • create table dimdate (datevalue date)

    create table totalsdata (datevalue date, totalvalue int)

    insert into Dimdate


    ,(dateadd(day, 1,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 2,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 3,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 4,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 5,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 6,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 7,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 8,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 9,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 10,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 11,getdate()))

    ,(dateadd(day, 12,getdate()))

    insert into TotalsData

    values(getdate(), 1)

    ,(dateadd(day, 3, getdate()), 55)

    ,(dateadd(day, 7, getdate()), 66)

    ,(dateadd(day, 9, getdate()), 77)

    ,(dateadd(day, 11, getdate()), 88)

    SELECT datevalue,totalvalue FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY d.datevalue ORDER BY t.datevalue DESC) AS rownum,d.datevalue, COALESCE(t.totalvalue,0) totalvalue

    FROM dimdate d

    LEFT JOIN totalsdata t ON d.datevalue >= t.datevalue

    ) derived

    drop table dimdate

    drop table totalsdata

  • First, Cudo's to Google Chrome. I just started typing this, then lost power. When I rebooted and opened Chrome my comment was still here.:w00t:

    Below is a better way to create the sample data. The technique uses a tally table; see this article[/url] by Jeff Moden for more details. Among other things the tally table will help you produce sample data faster and with cleaner code.

    I also tweaked to Nevyn's solution so that it will produce the correct answer (Nevyn's solution is very good but I think it should include WHERE rownum=1.)

    -- use this as a base date (so you don't have to keep calculating the date

    DECLARE @startdate date=getdate();

    -- populate dimDate

    -- TOP(13) used for this example

    WITH iTally(n) AS


    FROM sys.all_columns)

    INSERT dbo.DimDate

    SELECT dateadd(day,n,@startdate) AS datevalue

    FROM iTally;

    -- populate dimDate

    WITH TotalsData_prep AS

    ( SELECT datevalue, totalvalue

    FROM (VALUES (3,55),(7,66),(9,77),(11,88)) t(datevalue,totalvalue))

    INSERT dbo.TotalsData

    SELECT dateadd(day,datevalue,@startdate) AS datevalue,


    FROM TotalsData_prep;

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.DimDate;

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.TotalsData;

    SELECT datevalue,





    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY d.datevalue ORDER BY t.datevalue DESC) AS rownum,


    COALESCE(t.totalvalue,0) AS totalvalue

    FROM dimdate d

    LEFT JOIN totalsdata t ON d.datevalue >= t.datevalue

    ) derived

    WHERE rownum=1;

    Edit: Type in code comments

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Had a few minutes to kill... Here's a solution using what is commonly referred to as the "Quirky Update". I included the code to make sample data...

    USE tempdb


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.dimdate') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.DimDate;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.totalsdata') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.totalsdata;

    create table dimdate (datevalue date);

    create table totalsdata (datevalue date, totalvalue int);


    DECLARE @startdate date=getdate();

    -- populate dimDate

    WITH iTally(n) AS


    FROM sys.all_columns)

    INSERT dbo.DimDate

    SELECT dateadd(day,n,@startdate) AS datevalue

    FROM iTally;

    -- populate dimDate

    WITH TotalsData_prep AS

    ( SELECT datevalue, totalvalue

    FROM (VALUES (3,55),(7,66),(9,77),(11,88)) t(datevalue,totalvalue))

    INSERT dbo.TotalsData

    SELECT dateadd(day,datevalue,@startdate) AS datevalue,


    FROM TotalsData_prep;


    -- using the "Quirky Update"

    DECLARE @x TABLE(datevalue date, tv int);

    DECLARE @TV int=0;

    INSERT @x

    SELECT d.datevalue, coalesce(t.totalvalue,0)

    FROM dimdate d

    LEFT JOIN dbo.TotalsData t

    ON d.datevalue=t.datevalue;

    UPDATE @x

    SET @TV=tv= CASE WHEN tv<>0 THEN tv ELSE @TV END

    FROM dbo.TotalsData

    SELECT *

    FROM @x;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • I also tweaked to Nevyn's solution so that it will produce the correct answer (Nevyn's solution is very good but I think it should include WHERE rownum=1.)

    Yep. Was trying to get the answer in before lunch was over and I had to run to a meeting, and forgot that rather important detail.

  • Nevyn (2/10/2014)

    I also tweaked to Nevyn's solution so that it will produce the correct answer (Nevyn's solution is very good but I think it should include WHERE rownum=1.)

    Yep. Was trying to get the answer in before lunch was over and I had to run to a meeting, and forgot that rather important detail.

    Been there:hehe: still a very good solution!

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Try this - short and sweet

    ;with mycte as (

    select T1.Datecol, ISNULL(T2.Value,0) Val, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by T1.datecol) RN

    from Dimdate T1 left join TotalsData T2 ON T1.DateCol=T2.DateCol


    select Datecol,(select top 1 Val FROM mycte T where T.RN<mycte.RN and val<>0 order by RN DESC) val

    from mycte

    where val=0


    SELECT Datecol,Val FROM mycte where val>0

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