2008R2 Standard reports - Transaction Log Shipping Status

  • Hey guys - I have searched around for an answer on this - but to no avail.

    We have a log shipping scenario between 2 servers.

    On the Primary server - the standard report 'Transaction Log Shipping Status' is showing the log shipping on the DR server (copy and restore) as out of sync for several databases. This is incorrect. Additionally - the other databases don't show info for the DR side and are grey'd out.

    Log shipping is working fine, and is in sync.

    Everyone's standard answer seems to be "don't trust that report". However, this does not resolve the issue.

    Any idea's how to fix this report?



  • LS report usually gives correct state of the log shipping. How did you confirm that LS is in synch and is working fine ..

    In on the same server if you have some DBs as primary and some as Secondary, the reports shows it differently for those DBs.

    Check the actually Copy and Restore Job history to see if they are actually copying and restoring the backups. Sometimes Jobs show as complete but they don't move or restore any files ..


    SQL Buddy

  • Thanks - but we verified that the log shipping is in sync on both sides.

    You can see the logs backed up (by name) , copied and restored (by name).

    I have even invited a Microsoft case to look at it.

    The tech seems a bit baffled so far...

  • Have you checked the restore job step history closely. The step may indicate restore issues but still marks as successful.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Yeah.

    You can see my confusion.

    No errors in the logs (no failures). I can see the logs being restored by name. I can query the msdb.dbo.log_shipping tables. They all show correct.

    It's just this stupid report...as I said - even the Microsoft tech is baffled...


  • What is the build of your SQL Server ? Are you on SP3 ..



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