Help need in using same table having Parent and child relationship

  • Hi,

    Below is my sample data of my table named "Groups"

    with Groups as (

    select 1 as GroupId,'Oracle' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 2 as GroupId,'Microsoft' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 3 as GroupId,'IBM' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 4 as GroupId,'SunMicrosystem' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 5 as GroupId,'peoplesoft' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 6 as GroupId,'mysql' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 7 as GroupId,'Nokia' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 8 as GroupId,'EShop' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 9 as GroupId,'Meiosys' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 10 as GroupId,'UrbanCode' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup )

    select * from groups;

    Expected result:

    with ExpectedResult as (

    select 'Oracle' as GroupName,'SunMicrosystem' as SubGroup union all

    select '' as GroupName,'peoplesoft' as SubGroup union all

    select '' as GroupName,'mysql' as SubGroup union all

    select 'Microsoft' as GroupName,'Nokia' as SubGroup union all

    select '' as GroupName,'EShop' as SubGroup union all

    select 'IBM' as GroupName,'Meiosys' as SubGroup union all

    select '' as GroupName,'UrbanCode' as SubGroup )

    select * from ExpectedResult;

    Please show me some sample query to how to achieve this parent-child has the same table.


  • May not be the answer you are looking for but hopefully it points you in the right direction:

    with Groups as (

    select 1 as GroupId,'Oracle' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 2 as GroupId,'Microsoft' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 3 as GroupId,'IBM' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 4 as GroupId,'SunMicrosystem' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 5 as GroupId,'peoplesoft' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 6 as GroupId,'mysql' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 7 as GroupId,'Nokia' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 8 as GroupId,'EShop' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 9 as GroupId,'Meiosys' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 10 as GroupId,'UrbanCode' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup ),

    rCTE as (


    GroupId, GroupName, IdParentGroup, srtkey = cast(GroupName as varchar(max))




    IdParentGroup = 0

    union all


    g.GroupId, g.GroupName, g.IdParentGroup, srtkey = srtkey + cast(g.GroupName as varchar(max))


    Groups g

    inner join rCTE r

    on (g.IdParentGroup = r.GroupId)


    select rc.GroupName, rc.IdParentGroup from rCTE rc order by rc.srtkey;

  • Or in other words

    with Groups as (

    select 1 as GroupId,'Oracle' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 2 as GroupId,'Microsoft' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 3 as GroupId,'IBM' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 4 as GroupId,'SunMicrosystem' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 5 as GroupId,'peoplesoft' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 6 as GroupId,'mysql' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 7 as GroupId,'Nokia' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 8 as GroupId,'EShop' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 9 as GroupId,'Meiosys' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 10 as GroupId,'UrbanCode' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup )




    FROM Groups GCH

    INNER JOIN Groups GP

    ON GCH.IdParentGroup = GP.GroupId;

  • might be a little tweak of Lynm

    WITH Groups AS


    SELECT 1 AS GroupId, 'Oracle' AS GroupName, 0 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 2 AS GroupId, 'Microsoft' AS GroupName, 0 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 3 AS GroupId, 'IBM' AS GroupName, 0 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 4 AS GroupId, 'SunMicrosystem' AS GroupName, 1 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 5 AS GroupId, 'peoplesoft' AS GroupName, 1 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 6 AS GroupId, 'mysql' AS GroupName, 1 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 7 AS GroupId, 'Nokia' AS GroupName, 2 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 8 AS GroupId, 'EShop' AS GroupName, 2 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 9 AS GroupId, 'Meiosys' AS GroupName, 3 AS IdParentGroup UNION ALL

    SELECT 10 AS GroupId, 'UrbanCode' AS GroupName, 3 AS IdParentGroup


    rCTE AS (

    SELECT CAST(0 AS BIGINT) as GroupNo, GroupId, GroupName as GroupName, GroupName as SubGroup, IdParentGroup

    FROM Groups

    WHERE IdParentGroup = 0


    SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY g.GroupId) , g.GroupId, R.GroupName, g.GroupName AS SubGroup, g.IdParentGroup

    FROM Groups g


    ON (g.IdParentGroup=r.GroupId)


    SELECT case when Groupno=1 then GroupName ELSE '' END AS GroupName,SubGroup

    FROM rCTE rc

    WHERE groupno>0



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  • Same query as before with the addition of a conditional statement to format the output.

    with Groups as (

    select 1 as GroupId,'Oracle' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 2 as GroupId,'Microsoft' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 3 as GroupId,'IBM' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 4 as GroupId,'SunMicrosystem' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 5 as GroupId,'peoplesoft' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 6 as GroupId,'mysql' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 7 as GroupId,'Nokia' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 8 as GroupId,'EShop' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 9 as GroupId,'Meiosys' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup union all

    select 10 as GroupId,'UrbanCode' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup )




    (PARTITION BY GP.GroupName

    ORDER BY GP.GroupName,GCH.GroupName) = 1 THEN GP.GroupName

    ELSE ''

    END AS ParentGroup


    FROM Groups GCH

    INNER JOIN Groups GP

    ON GCH.IdParentGroup = GP.GroupId;

  • Guys,

    Thank you so much for the wonderful replies and really helped me to understand the scenario.

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