Rolling 12 month/Period SQL Query Logic

  • I want to write rolling 12 SQL query with following data , input will be FY and period no ie @FY=14, @P=3

    my result should show rolling 12 months only from FY 14 3,2,1 months from year 13 - 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4

    how to do this .group by Dept and objsub. please help

    FY ObjSub Dept P_01 P_02 P_03 P_04 P_05 P_06 P_07 P_08 P_09 P_10 P_11 P_12

    13 12345 1 12 14 78 87 85 555 5 5 5 5 5 5

    13 12349 54 55 4545 55 5 5 5 577 7 77 77 7777 111

    14 12345 1 555 55 5 55 555 555 88 88 9 8 1 8

    14 12349 54 555 555 51 4 6 7444 477 788 88 221 3654 88

  • dost ind (3/29/2014)

    I want to write rolling 12 SQL query with following data , input will be FY and period no ie @FY=14, @P=3

    my result should show rolling 12 months only from FY 14 3,2,1 months from year 13 - 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4

    how to do this .group by Dept and objsub. please help

    FY ObjSub Dept P_01 P_02 P_03 P_04 P_05 P_06 P_07 P_08 P_09 P_10 P_11 P_12

    13 12345 1 12 14 78 87 85 555 5 5 5 5 5 5

    13 12349 54 55 4545 55 5 5 5 577 7 77 77 7777 111

    14 12345 1 555 55 5 55 555 555 88 88 9 8 1 8

    14 12349 54 555 555 51 4 6 7444 477 788 88 221 3654 88

    Insufficient information provided to really be of any help.

    Please post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement(s)) for the table(s) involved in the query, sample data for the table(s) as a series of INSERT INTO statements (please note that some people that may try to help may still only have SQL Server 2005), and expected results based on the sample data. The sample data should have values that will be included and excluded from the desired results.

    Need help with this? Please read the first article I reference below in my signature block.

  • Maybe this code will give you an idea.

    DECLARE @FY int=14,

    @P int=3;

    DECLARE @Date date

    SET @Date = CAST( @FY as CHAR(2)) + RIGHT( '0' + CAST( @P AS varchar(2)), 2) + '01'

    SELECT @Date LastPeriod, DATEADD( MM, -11, @Date) AS FirstPeriod.

    SELECT DATEADD( MM, -n, @Date)

    FROM (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11))Tally(n)


    As Lynn said, we can't see your information, so any further help would need some help from you. Post the information that Lynn asked and we'll be glad to help.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I second Lynn regarding the needs to post DDL, sample data and expected result. Help us to be able to help you.

    Regarding the problem / question I find it easier to solve if we have one row per (Dept, ObjSub, FY, period). To get there you need to unpivot the periods, have a column of [date] type to do some date calculations and then pivot the data back.


    USE tempdb;



    FY smallint NOT NULL,

    ObjSub smallint NOT NULL,

    Dept smallint NOT NULL,

    P_01 int NOT NULL,

    P_02 int NOT NULL,

    P_03 int NOT NULL,

    P_04 int NOT NULL,

    P_05 int NOT NULL,

    P_06 int NOT NULL,

    P_07 int NOT NULL,

    P_08 int NOT NULL,

    P_09 int NOT NULL,

    P_10 int NOT NULL,

    P_11 int NOT NULL,

    P_12 int NOT NULL



    FY, ObjSub, Dept, P_01, P_02, P_03, P_04, P_05, P_06, P_07, P_08, P_09, P_10, P_11, P_12)


    (13, 12345, 1, 12, 14, 78, 87, 85, 555, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5),

    (14, 12345, 1, 555, 55, 5, 55, 555, 555, 88, 88, 9, 8, 1, 8),

    (13, 12349, 54, 55, 4545, 55, 5, 5, 5, 577, 7, 77, 77, 7777, 111),

    (14, 12349, 54, 555, 555, 51, 4, 6, 7444, 477, 788, 88, 221, 3654, 88);


    @FY smallint = 14,

    @P smallint = 3;

    WITH C1 AS (


    CAST(CAST((((U.FY * 100) + STUFF(U.period, 1, 2, '')) * 100) + 1 AS char(8)) AS date) AS dt,









    FOR period IN (P_01, P_02, P_03, P_04, P_05, P_06, P_07, P_08, P_09, P_10, P_11, P_12)

    ) AS U


    , C2 AS (


    YEAR(dt) AS FY,

    'P_' + RIGHT('00' + LTRIM(MONTH(dt)), 2) AS period,







    dt BETWEEN DATEADD([month], -11, CAST(CAST((((@FY * 100) + @P) * 100) + 1 AS char(8)) AS date))

    AND CAST(CAST((((@FY * 100) + @P) * 100) + 1 AS char(8)) AS date)









    FOR period IN (P_01, P_02, P_03, P_04, P_05, P_06, P_07, P_08, P_09, P_10, P_11, P_12)

    ) AS P







    FY ObjSub Dept P_01 P_02 P_03 P_04 P_05 P_06 P_07 P_08 P_09 P_10 P_11 P_12

    2013 12345 1 NULL NULL NULL 87 85 555 5 5 5 5 5 5


    2013 12349 54 NULL NULL NULL 5 5 5 577 7 77 77 7777 111

    2014 12349 54 555 555 51 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL


    Since you are using SS 2012 or greater then you could use the function DATEFROMPARTS to convert the values (FY, Stuff(period, 1, 2, ''), 1) to a date.

  • I think this query would be a lot easier if you had a normalized table structure ( FY, ObjSub, Dept, Period, Value ) and a calendar table, but if that is your structure, then something like this might work for you:

    DECLARE @t TABLE ( FY INT, ObjSub INT, Dept INT, P_01 INT, P_02 INT, P_03 INT, P_04 INT, P_05 INT, P_06 INT, P_07 INT, P_08 INT, P_09 INT, P_10 INT, P_11 INT, P_12 INT,

    PRIMARY KEY ( ObjSub, FY, Dept )



    ( 13, 12345, 1, 12, 14, 78, 87, 85, 555, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ),

    ( 13, 12349, 54, 55, 4545, 55, 5, 5, 5, 577, 7, 77, 77, 7777, 111 ),

    ( 14, 12345, 1, 555, 55, 5, 55, 555, 555, 88, 88, 9, 8, 1, 8 ),

    ( 14, 12349, 54, 555, 555, 51, 4, 6, 7444, 477, 788, 88, 221, 3654, 88 )

    DECLARE @FY INT = 14, @P INT = 3

    ;WITH cte AS


    SELECT 1 xlevel, FY, ObjSub, Dept,

    @P x,

    CHOOSE ( @P, P_01, P_02, P_03, P_04, P_05, P_06, P_07, P_08, P_09, P_10, P_11, P_12 ) y

    FROM @t

    WHERE FY = @FY

    --and ObjSub = 12345


    SELECT xlevel + 1, IIF ( x - 1 = 0, c.FY - 1, c.FY ), t.ObjSub, t.Dept,

    IIF ( x - 1 = 0, 12, x - 1 ),

    CHOOSE ( IIF ( x - 1 = 0, 12, x - 1 ), P_01, P_02, P_03, P_04, P_05, P_06, P_07, P_08, P_09, P_10, P_11, P_12 ) y

    FROM cte c

    INNER JOIN @t t ON c.ObjSub = t.ObjSub

    AND c.Dept = t.Dept

    WHERE t.FY = IIF ( x - 1 = 0, c.FY - 1, c.FY )

    AND xlevel < 12


    SELECT *

    FROM cte

    ORDER BY ObjSub, Dept, FY DESC, x DESC

  • It is nice that people are willing to take shots in the dark to help solve the problem. It would also be nice if the OP would provide us with the information we need to provide a better, and tested, solution to the problem.

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