Assigning Batchid to Cake Making Process

  • Hi ,

    Please observe below records of table Bakery . When cake is order it flows from BaseMaking----------> Decoration------------> Delivered/Reject . If cake is Rejected ,

    again process has to start from BaseMaking ..

    I need assign BatchID when it flows from BaseMaking to Delivered/Reject And For Analysis I need to exclude BatchID which are rejected..

    Expected OutPut..

    SQL Script

    Create table dbo.Bakery ( CakeID int,EmployeeID Int ,ActionName varchar(20) ,LogTime datetime )

    Insert into dbo.Bakery( CakeId, EmployeeID,ActionName,LogTime)Values

    (1,1,'BaseMaking','2014-04-10 09:30:00.000' )

    , (1,1,'Decoration','2014-04-10 10:30:00.000' )

    , (2,2,'BaseMaking','2014-04-10 09:40:00.000' )

    , (2,1,'Decoration','2014-04-10 10:43:00.000' )

    , (2,3,'Reject','2014-04-10 10:50:00.000' )

    , (2,2,'BaseMaking','2014-04-10 11:00:00.000' )

    ,( 2,1,'Decoration','2014-04-10 12:00:00.000' )

    ,( 2,3,'Delivered','2014-04-10 12:30:00.000' )

  • I would first consider creating an enumeration type table for the Action and using that instead of the name, i.e. 'BaseMaking' etc. Can you supply the desired outcome for the sample data that you provided. What happens with the batchID after the rejection for CakeID 2 when it goes back to BaseMaking should it get the next BatchID or repeat the previous batchID for CakeID 2?

    Microsoft Certified Master - SQL Server 2008
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  • Consider CakeID as something like OrderID from customer . If Cake is rejected ,again bakery start from Baking but CakeID remains Same but New batch number is assigned.

    ... You can assign intergers to ActionName (Categorical Values ) ,i have written to make you understand business flow ..

  • Can you supply the desired output give the sample data that you provided? That way we are on the same page.

    Microsoft Certified Master - SQL Server 2008
    Follow me on twitter: @keith_tate

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • I have provided expected output as 2nd snapshot (as a picture) in first thread itself . Let me know whether snapshot is available ...

  • It's a bit early and I haven't had a tea yet, but I think this does the job (Haven't tested this extensively).

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#Bakery',N'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Bakery;

    CREATE TABLE #Bakery



    EmployeeID INT NOT NULL,

    ActionName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,



    INSERT INTO #Bakery( CakeId, EmployeeID,ActionName,LogTime)

    VALUES (1,1,'BaseMaking','2014-04-10 09:30:00.000'),

    (1,1,'Decoration','2014-04-10 10:30:00.000'),

    (2,2,'BaseMaking','2014-04-10 09:40:00.000'),

    (2,1,'Decoration','2014-04-10 10:43:00.000'),

    (2,3,'Reject','2014-04-10 10:50:00.000'),

    (2,2,'BaseMaking','2014-04-10 11:00:00.000'),

    (2,1,'Decoration','2014-04-10 12:00:00.000'),

    (2,3,'Delivered','2014-04-10 12:30:00.000');

    SELECT B.CakeID,




    (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY B.CakeID ORDER BY B.LogTime ASC) - 1) /3 + 1 AS GroupCol

    FROM #Bakery AS B

    ORDER BY B.CakeID, B.LogTime;

    Will they always be grouped up by 3 actions? As this is based on the order of actions always being in the order of basemaking, decoration and then either delivered or rejected with basemaking etc. happening again

  • Hi Doshan ,

    Query is working as expected ... Number of intermediate Steps in delivery of cake will vary . So /3 is hard coded .. Is there a way to calculate no of steps in Batchid .

    to remove hard code as 3

  • sunil.mvs (4/11/2014)

    Hi Doshan ,

    Query is working as expected ... Number of intermediate Steps in delivery of cake will vary . So /3 is hard coded .. Is there a way to calculate no of steps in Batchid .

    to remove hard code as 3

    The step number will be different by each cake? Or can they be different by batch?

  • Cake can have x steps and it depends on customer request .. Once work flow starts it starts with 1 and reaches nth step .. other cake may start from with 1 and ends at n-k step . if cake is rejected ,steps starts with 1 and ends either at same step of previous batch or at other ... I am sorry if i am making problem complex

  • sunil.mvs (4/11/2014)

    Cake can have x steps and it depends on customer request .. Once work flow starts it starts with 1 and reaches nth step .. other cake may start from with 1 and ends at n-k step . if cake is rejected ,steps starts with 1 and ends either at same step of previous batch or at other ... I am sorry if i am making problem complex

    So the number of steps could change by batch within the same cake id?

    So 5 steps (rejected) and then only 4 for the next batch (delivered)?

  • Yes you are right

  • sunil.mvs (4/11/2014)

    Cake can have x steps and it depends on customer request .. Once work flow starts it starts with 1 and reaches nth step .. other cake may start from with 1 and ends at n-k step . if cake is rejected ,steps starts with 1 and ends either at same step of previous batch or at other ... I am sorry if i am making problem complex

    This does not fit with your sample data and expected results.

    Please post sample data and expected results that shows variable n steps (ie not the 3 you posted)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Solution is fine . The other scenario will not arise which i clarified from business ..

  • sunil.mvs (4/12/2014)

    Solution is fine . The other scenario will not arise which i clarified from business ..

    If the number of steps can differ by cake ID, but is the same between batches, this simple change to above may also work for you. It will then work for more than 3 steps.

    SELECT B.CakeID,




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY B.CakeID, CASE B.ActionName WHEN 'Reject' THEN 'Delivered' ELSE B.ActionName END ORDER BY B.LogTime ASC) AS GroupCol

    FROM #Bakery AS B

    ORDER BY B.CakeID, B.LogTime;

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