• Is there any way to reduce this code??




    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '0' AND '565' THEN 1.350

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '566' AND '602' THEN 1.285

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '603' AND '657' THEN 1.225

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '658' AND '693' THEN 1.150

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '694' AND '727' THEN 1.075

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '728' AND '757' THEN 1.000

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '758' AND '787' THEN 0.925

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '788' AND '819' THEN 0.850

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '820' AND '849' THEN 0.775

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '850' AND '880' THEN 0.715

    WHEN N.creditScore BETWEEN '881' AND '997' THEN 0.650

    WHEN N.creditScore > 997 THEN 0.950



    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '0' AND '565' THEN 1.350

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '566' AND '602' THEN 1.285

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '603' AND '657' THEN 1.225

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '658' AND '693' THEN 1.150

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '694' AND '727' THEN 1.075

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '728' AND '757' THEN 1.000

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '758' AND '787' THEN 0.925

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '788' AND '819' THEN 0.850

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '820' AND '849' THEN 0.775

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '850' AND '880' THEN 0.715

    WHEN C.creditScore BETWEEN '881' AND '997' THEN 0.650

    WHEN C.creditScore > 997 THEN 0.950


    FROM #TmpNewCreditScore as N

    INNER JOIN #TmpOldCreditScore as C on N.insuredID = C.insuredID


    I.fname1 + ' ' + I.lname1 as 'Insured Name'

    ,P.policyNum as 'Current Policy Number'

    ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,P.effectiveDate,101) as 'Effective Date'


    WHEN I.creditScore > I.creditScore2 THEN I.creditScore

    WHEN I.creditScore < I.creditScore2 THEN I.creditScore2

    END AS 'Credit Score Currently Used'


    WHEN I.creditScore > I.creditScore2 THEN


    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '0' AND '565' THEN 1.350

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '566' AND '602' THEN 1.285

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '603' AND '657' THEN 1.225

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '658' AND '693' THEN 1.150

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '694' AND '727' THEN 1.075

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '728' AND '757' THEN 1.000

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '758' AND '787' THEN 0.925

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '788' AND '819' THEN 0.850

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '820' AND '849' THEN 0.775

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '850' AND '880' THEN 0.715

    WHEN I.creditScore BETWEEN '881' AND '997' THEN 0.650

    WHEN I.creditScore > 997 THEN 0.950


    WHEN I.creditScore < I.creditScore2 THEN


    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '0' AND '565' THEN 1.350

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '566' AND '602' THEN 1.285

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '603' AND '657' THEN 1.225

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '658' AND '693' THEN 1.150

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '694' AND '727' THEN 1.075

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '728' AND '757' THEN 1.000

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '758' AND '787' THEN 0.925

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '788' AND '819' THEN 0.850

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '820' AND '849' THEN 0.775

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '850' AND '880' THEN 0.715

    WHEN I.creditScore2 BETWEEN '881' AND '997' THEN 0.650

    WHEN I.creditScore2 > 997 THEN 0.950


    END AS 'Credit Factor Currently Used'

    ,NCS.creditScore AS 'Latest Credit Score'

    ,CF.newCF AS 'Latest Credit Factor'

    ,CS.creditScore AS 'Oldest Credit Score'

    ,CF.oldCF AS 'Oldest Credit Factor'


    Policy as P

    INNER JOIN NCF_Request as N on P.policyID = N.policyID

    INNER JOIN Insured as I on P.insuredID = I.insuredID

    INNER JOIN #TmpInsured as T on P.insuredID = T.insuredID

    INNER JOIN #TmpOldCreditScore as CS on P.insuredID = CS.insuredID

    INNER JOIN #TmpNewCreditScore as NCS on P.insuredID = NCS.insuredID

    INNER JOIN #TmpCF as CF on P.insuredID = CF.insuredID


    P.policyNum NOT LIKE 'Q%'


    (P.status = 0)

    AND (CF.newCF > CF.oldCF OR CF.newCF < CF.oldCF)

    GROUP BY I.fname1, I.lname1, P.policyNum, P.effectiveDate, NCS.creditScore, I.creditScore, I.creditScore2, CF.newCF, CS.creditScore, CF.oldCF

    ORDER BY P.policyNum

  • You could put values into a table and do a lookup.

    You could also use a CROSS APPLY to assign an alias name to the result of the first CASE statement, then use that alias name instead of having to repeat the entire expression.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Embedding lookup tables tends to result in complicated, repeated, hard to maintain, and inconsistent SQL code. Consider joining a meta-data reference table like so:

    create table CreditScoreRate


    constraint PK_CreditScoreRate primary key clustered ( LowerCreditScore ),

    LowerCreditScore smallint not null,

    UpperCreditScore smallint not null,

    CreditRate numeric(6,3) not null


    select I.InsuredID, R.CreditRate

    from Insured as I

    join CreditScoreRate as R

    on I.CreditScore between R.LowerCreditScore and R.UpperCreditScore;

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Is there any way to reduce this code??

    Lose that ORDER BY clause; it seems like it's just for display - let display stuff get handled at the application level.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • The quickest, most sure-fire way to reduce the code would be to use CTRL+A followed by CTRL+X. :w00t::w00t:

    How about this for the first query?

    DECLARE @NewCreditScores TABLE (insuredID INTEGER, creditScore INTEGER);

    INSERT INTO @NewCreditScores (insuredID, creditScore)

    VALUES (1, 575),

    (2, 604),

    (3, 750);

    DECLARE @OldCreditScores TABLE (insuredID INTEGER, creditScore INTEGER);

    INSERT INTO @OldCreditScores (insuredID, creditScore)

    VALUES (1, 675),

    (2, 600),

    (3, 770);

    WITH CreditScores AS


    SELECT *

    FROM (VALUES ( 0, 565, 1.350),

    (566, 602, 1.285),

    (603, 657, 1.225),

    (658, 693, 1.150),

    (694, 727, 1.075),

    (728, 757, 1.000),

    (758, 787, 0.925),

    (788, 819, 0.850),

    (820, 849, 0.775),

    (850, 880, 0.715),

    (881, 997, 0.650),

    (997, 2000, 0.950)

    ) dt(StartRange, EndRange, RangeValue)


    SELECT N.insuredID,

    c1.RangeValue AS NewRangeValue,

    c2.RangeValue AS OldRangeValue

    FROM @NewCreditScores N

    JOIN @OldCreditScores O ON N.insuredID = O.insuredID

    JOIN CreditScores c1 ON N.creditScore BETWEEN c1.StartRange AND c1.EndRange

    JOIN CreditScores c2 ON O.creditScore BETWEEN c2.StartRange AND c2.EndRange

    Oh... see how I build some tables, and populated them with test data? Many of the volunteers here (yep, we are all volunteers helping out) just won't even start to help if you haven't done that as a minimum. Read the link in my signature for how to better post questions for getting good answers.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • WayneS (10/1/2015)

    The quickest, most sure-fire way to reduce the code would be to use CTRL+A followed by CTRL+X. :w00t::w00t:

    Good anwser.

    I would like to make a little change.

    Maybe it is not significant for the given problem, but might be significant for similar problems.


    FROM (VALUES ( 0, 566, 1.350), -- End value is not included

    (566, 603, 1.285), --

    (603, 658, 1.225), --

    (658, ...

    ... , 998, 0.650),

    (997, 2001, 0.950)

    ) dt(StartRange, EndRange, RangeValue)



    JOIN CreditScores c1 ON N.creditScore >= c1.StartRange AND N.creditScore < c1.EndRange

    JOIN CreditScores c2 ON O.creditScore >= c2.StartRange AND O.creditScore < c2.EndRange

    In the Between construction the value 602.5 would not fall into any category.

    With the adjusted script it falls in a category, which makes the script more robust.

    (1000 <= distance < 2000) -- (all values in meters)

    -- is equivalent to

    (1 <= distance < 2) -- (all values in kilometers)

    Even if the distances are converted to mm or miles or parsecs, the code still works. With the BETWEEN construction, the end distance has to be adjusted to the scale we are working on.

    Especially Floats and Datetime constructions are vunarable with BETWEEN construct. Example:

    (DAY BETWEEN @startdate and '2013-12-31 23:59:59.999'), which did not give the 'correct; result because 1 jan 2014 is included. Yes I have seen this actually used in code.

    The BETWEEN construction is not scale invariant, where the ">= AND <" is scale invariant.

    And an advantage might be that the starting value of the next category is always the same as the end value of the previous category. So it is possible to enter only the starting values of the ranges and derive the endpoints. This prevents that there are holes or overlaps in the ranges. Overlaps in the ranges are often detected because of the double appearance of the values, but holes are often missed because some value's go missing.


  • Thanks a Lot!!

  • ben.brugman (10/2/2015)

    WayneS (10/1/2015)

    The quickest, most sure-fire way to reduce the code would be to use CTRL+A followed by CTRL+X. :w00t::w00t:

    Good anwser.

    I would like to make a little change.

    Maybe it is not significant for the given problem, but might be significant for similar problems.


    FROM (VALUES ( 0, 566, 1.350), -- End value is not included

    (566, 603, 1.285), --

    (603, 658, 1.225), --

    (658, ...

    ... , 998, 0.650),

    (997, 2001, 0.950)

    ) dt(StartRange, EndRange, RangeValue)



    JOIN CreditScores c1 ON N.creditScore >= c1.StartRange AND N.creditScore < c1.EndRange

    JOIN CreditScores c2 ON O.creditScore >= c2.StartRange AND O.creditScore < c2.EndRange

    In the Between construction the value 602.5 would not fall into any category.

    With the adjusted script it falls in a category, which makes the script more robust.

    (1000 <= distance < 2000) -- (all values in meters)

    -- is equivalent to

    (1 <= distance < 2) -- (all values in kilometers)

    Even if the distances are converted to mm or miles or parsecs, the code still works. With the BETWEEN construction, the end distance has to be adjusted to the scale we are working on.

    Especially Floats and Datetime constructions are vunarable with BETWEEN construct. Example:

    (DAY BETWEEN @startdate and '2013-12-31 23:59:59.999'), which did not give the 'correct; result because 1 jan 2014 is included. Yes I have seen this actually used in code.

    The BETWEEN construction is not scale invariant, where the ">= AND <" is scale invariant.

    And an advantage might be that the starting value of the next category is always the same as the end value of the previous category. So it is possible to enter only the starting values of the ranges and derive the endpoints. This prevents that there are holes or overlaps in the ranges. Overlaps in the ranges are often detected because of the double appearance of the values, but holes are often missed because some value's go missing.


    Hi Ben,

    Good advise here. The reason that I didn't do this is because the code is dealing with a credit score, and in my experience I've only seen credit scores as integers, so what I did would work. If the value isn't an integer, then I would go your route, and change the between to ">= StartRange and < EndRange" like you did.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

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