Sending out emails.

  • Hi everyone, I have a job set up which runs a query and most of the time would not give out any results, but if any records show up then job name: 'D26XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX' begins as follows:

    if @@ROWCOUNT > 0


    USE msdb

    EXEC sp_start_job @job_name = 'D26XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX'


    The problem with the job_name 'D26X' is that it only goes to the manager and not to the individual collector. I am trying to keep the Job 'D26X' intact also send out an email to marc and Anthony if there loan shows up in the result set.

    LoanID........ CollectorName ....... CollectorEmailAddress

    1001 ...............

    1002 ............

  • Have you opened the job and more particularly that job step? Likely, all you need to do is modify the call and add more recipients.

    Look for something like:

    @recipients = '',

    And add other recipients using a semi colon as such:

    @recipients = '';'';'',

    Note: This is all assuming that it's using sp_send_dbmail

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • On the description of the Job 'D26XXX' I see the following note:

    'This job is owned by a report server process. Modifying this job could result in database incompatibilities. Use Report Manager or Management Studio to update this job.'

    On the one and only step I see

    'exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='2021c27f-0a5a-45f7-9f4d-4a35349d8122'

  • Would anyone know where and how to edit the following

    'exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='2021c27f-0a5a-45f7-9f4d-4a35349d8122'

  • SQLPain (10/28/2015)

    On the description of the Job 'D26XXX' I see the following note:

    'This job is owned by a report server process. Modifying this job could result in database incompatibilities. Use Report Manager or Management Studio to update this job.'

    On the one and only step I see

    'exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='2021c27f-0a5a-45f7-9f4d-4a35349d8122'

    That explains the funky job name. It would seem that the job is owned by reporting services. It's been awhile since I've worked with SSRS but you'll need to find the associated report and edit that.

    You could query the catalog and subscriptions tables on the Reporting Services db to find the actual report name. If I had it installed I'd be able to write something up for you, but alas...

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • yeah that's true, currently I have more than 50 jobs set up on reporting server, all with funky name, don't know how to figure out which one is associated with the above the job..


  • Under the subscriptions or catalogs table, Am I looking for

    'D26XXX' Or '2021cXXXXX' ?

  • SQLPain (10/28/2015)

    yeah that's true, currently I have more than 50 jobs set up on reporting server, all with funky name, don't know how to figure out which one is associated with the above the job..


    i use this query to generate metadata so i can do two things:

    find the right job related to an SSRS report to run on demand.

    update the description of the job to have the job name.

    SELECT distinct 'exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_id = ''' + convert(varchar(40),b.job_id) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + '''; --' + + COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ' : ' + COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS As Cmd,

    'UPDATE msdb.dbo.sysjobs set description = ''SSRS Report Subscription: '+ e.path COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + ''' WHERE job_id = ''' + convert(varchar(40),b.job_id) +''';' AS Fix,

    -- b.job_id As JobID,

    -- AS JobName

    , e.path

    , d.description

    , a.SubscriptionID

    , laststatus

    , eventtype

    , LastRunTime

    , date_created

    , date_modified

    FROM ReportServer.dbo.ReportSchedule a JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs b

    ON convert(varchar(40),a.ScheduleID) =

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.ReportSchedule c

    ON = convert(varchar(40),c.ScheduleID)

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions d

    ON c.SubscriptionID = d.SubscriptionID

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog e

    ON d.report_oid = e.itemid

    where 1 = 1 and laststatus <> 'Pending'

    --and path like '/Month End/%'

    --and like 'CPU%'

    order by


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Try this:






    FROM ReportServer.dbo.catalog c

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions s on c.ItemID = s.Report_OID

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.ReportSchedule rs on rs.SubscriptionID = s.SubscriptionID

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Lowell (10/28/2015)

    SQLPain (10/28/2015)

    yeah that's true, currently I have more than 50 jobs set up on reporting server, all with funky name, don't know how to figure out which one is associated with the above the job..


    i use this query to generate metadata so i can do two things:

    find the right job related to an SSRS report to run on demand.

    update the description of the job to have the job name.

    Thanks for stepping in Lowell, I really should get SSRS up and running again. Even if it's just for practice. 😉

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Keep in mind that you are not going to edit the job, or the data in the underlying tables.

    You will need to go into the correct report, and modify the subscriptions.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Oh wow, thank you guys. I already saved both of the queries. I was able to track down the report it was on a different server and not on reports/reports.

    Going back to my original questions, how do I insert the collectors email address ? I only want to send email to the collectors who are displayed in my result set and not all of them.

    It was mentioned earlier that I can include the collectors email addresses under subscriptions but that would be sending out emails to everyone and not specific to those collectors displayed in our result set.

  • I can't give you any advice on SSRS itself, but if you're using sp_send_dbmail to send your email, then you're probably using T-SQL to generate your list of recipients. In that case, there are many ways to build your recipient list. You want to end up with a semicolon-delimited list of email addresses, such as ';' that comes from a table.

    Here's an example of using string concatenation in a single query to produce your list in a variable. You'd want to use your table; this is just for demonstration.

    --create a test table and populate a few rows

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t', 'u') is not null drop table #t;


    Email varchar(64),

    Active bit);

    INSERT INTO #t(Email, Active)

    VALUES('', 1),

    ('', 0),

    ('', 1);

    --select our concatenated list of email addresses

    DECLARE @strTo varchar(500) = '';

    SELECT @strTo = STUFF(@strTo + '; ' + Email, 1, 1, '')

    FROM #t

    WHERE Active = 1;

    Then, in your call to sp_send_dbmail, assign your @strTo variable to the @recipients parameter of the procedure.

    Like I said, there are many approaches to this problem. Wayne Sheffield has an excellent article demonstrating the FOR XML approach at

  • You need to develop a data driven subscription.

    This article should get you started.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Another option (could possibly be considered a hack) is rather than start the subscription job, instead send a link to the report. I have a job that has several steps of data massaging and then the last step is to notify everyone via email that the report is available. I include a link to the report in the email and am able to dynamically control the recipient list based on whatever condition I want:

    declare @Subject varchar(100)

    declare @Body varchar(max)

    declare @RecipientList varchar(max)

    -- You could dynamically set your recipient list here

    select @RecipientList = ';;'

    select @Subject = 'My dynamic subject line here'

    -- Then just email them a link directly to the report

    -- rather than fire the report subscription

    select @Body = '<span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px">Click the link below to access the blah blah report.'

    select @Body +'<a href="http://YourReportServer/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fReports%2fYourReportHere">Your Report Here</a></span>'

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'YourMailProfile',

    @recipients = @RecipientList,

    @subject = @Subject,

    @body = @Body,

    @body_format = 'HTML'

    Good luck -


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