I'm missing something obvious but I'm not sure what.

  • I'm working on this SP and am getting an error at the end, Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure p_adw_OperationalFact_Load_V2, Line 142

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    Here's the Proc:

    INSERT INTO ADW.fact.OperationalFact_V2 WITH (HOLDLOCK)

    Select * from



    COALESCE(A.Assetid,0) AS AssetID,

    COALESCE(CSN.CustomerServiceNumberID,0) AS CustomerServiceNumberID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.DateID = convert(varchar, Servicedate, 112)) AS DateID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.DateID = convert(varchar,PostDate, 112)) AS PostDate,

    COALESCE(CSN.FeeStructureID,0) AS FeeStructureID,

    COALESCE(M.ModalityID,0) AS ModalityID,

    0 as OrgUnitID,

    0 as CompanyID,

    --COALESCE(OU.OrgUnitID,0) AS OrgUnitID,

    --COALESCE(C.CompanyID,0) AS CompanyID,

    (SELECT ScenarioID FROM ADW.DIM.Scenario WHERE Scenario = 'Actual' )AS ScenarioID,

    0 AS DepartmentID,

    --COALESCE(D.DepartmentID,0) AS DepartmentID,

    --S.[retail_scan_count] AS RetailScans,

    --S.wholesale_scan_count AS WholesaleScans,

    S.ScanCount As RetailScans,

    0 as WholesaleScans,



    getdate() AS [Z_InsertDate],

    getdate() AS [Z_LastModDate],

    suser_sname() AS [Z_LastModBy]

    FROM ADS.dbo.ScansODS S

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.CustomerServiceNumber CSN

    ON CSN.CustomerServiceNumber = s.ServiceNbr

    INNER Join ADW.Dim.Modality M

    ON M.ModalityCode = S.ModalityCode


    --ON OU.SubLatCode = S.Region

    --INNER JOIN ADW.DIM.Company C

    --ON C.CompanyCode = S.Company

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.v_CurrentAsset a

    ON a.UnitNbr = s.UnitSegment

    --INNER JOIN ADW.dim.Department D

    --ON S.DepartmentCode = D.departmentCode


    --(S.PostDate BETWEEN @StartDateID AND @EndDateID) AND REFER HISTORY #1

    CSN.Is_Current = 1


    S.ScanType = 'Retail'

    Union ALL



    COALESCE(A.Assetid,0) AS AssetID,

    COALESCE(CSN.CustomerServiceNumberID,0) AS CustomerServiceNumberID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.DateID = convert(varchar, Servicedate, 112)) AS DateID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.DateID = convert(varchar,PostDate, 112)) AS PostDate,

    COALESCE(CSN.FeeStructureID,0) AS FeeStructureID,

    COALESCE(M.ModalityID,0) AS ModalityID,

    0 as OrgUnitID,

    0 as CompanyID,

    --COALESCE(OU.OrgUnitID,0) AS OrgUnitID,

    --COALESCE(C.CompanyID,0) AS CompanyID,

    (SELECT ScenarioID FROM ADW.DIM.Scenario WHERE Scenario = 'Actual' )AS ScenarioID,

    0 AS DepartmentID,

    --COALESCE(D.DepartmentID,0) AS DepartmentID,

    --S.[retail_scan_count] AS RetailScans,

    --S.wholesale_scan_count AS WholesaleScans,

    0 as RetailScans,

    S.ScanCount As WholeSaleScans,



    getdate() AS [Z_InsertDate],

    getdate() AS [Z_LastModDate],

    suser_sname() AS [Z_LastModBy]

    FROM ADS.dbo.ScansODS S

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.CustomerServiceNumber CSN

    ON CSN.CustomerServiceNumber = s.ServiceNbr

    INNER Join ADW.Dim.Modality M

    ON M.ModalityCode = S.ModalityCode


    --ON OU.SubLatCode = S.Region

    --INNER JOIN ADW.DIM.Company C

    --ON C.CompanyCode = S.Company

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.v_CurrentAsset a

    ON a.UnitNbr = s.UnitSegment

    --INNER JOIN ADW.dim.Department D

    --ON S.DepartmentCode = D.departmentCode


    --(S.PostDate BETWEEN @StartDateID AND @EndDateID) AND REFER HISTORY #1

    CSN.Is_Current = 1


    S.ScanType = 'Wholesale')

    The selects work fine on their own and If I do the insert separately for each section it works fine.

    But the problem arises when I try to run the full insert with the Union ALL, or the full select. starting with the Select * From...

    What am I missing?


  • You need to give your

    select *

    from (





    an alias

    select *

    from (




    ) aliasHere

  • I tried that and still got the error . This time it said the error was at the alias not the ).

    matak (3/20/2016)

    You need to give your

    select *

    from (





    an alias

    select *

    from (




    ) aliasHere

  • craig.bobchin (3/21/2016)

    I tried that and still got the error . This time it said the error was at the alias not the ).

    matak (3/20/2016)

    You need to give your

    select *

    from (





    an alias

    select *

    from (




    ) aliasHere

    Does it have to be so complex and expensive? Try this:

    INSERT INTO ADW.fact.OperationalFact_V2 WITH (HOLDLOCK) -- use a column list!!!!!

    --SELECT *

    --FROM (



    AssetID = COALESCE(A.Assetid,0),

    CustomerServiceNumberID = COALESCE(CSN.CustomerServiceNumberID,0),

    DateID = (


    FROM ADW.dim.Period P

    WHERE P.DateID = CONVERT(VARCHAR,Servicedate, 112)),

    PostDate = (


    FROM ADW.dim.Period P

    WHERE P.DateID = CONVERT(VARCHAR,PostDate,112)),

    FeeStructureID = COALESCE(CSN.FeeStructureID,0),

    ModalityID = COALESCE(M.ModalityID,0),

    OrgUnitID = 0,

    CompanyID = 0,

    ScenarioID = (

    SELECT ScenarioID

    FROM ADW.DIM.Scenario

    WHERE Scenario = 'Actual' ),

    DepartmentID = 0,

    RetailScans = CASE WHEN S.ScanType = 'Retail' THEN S.ScanCount ELSE 0 END,

    WholesaleScans = CASE WHEN S.ScanType = 'Wholesale' THEN S.ScanCount ELSE 0 END,



    [Z_InsertDate] = GETDATE(),

    [Z_LastModDate] = GETDATE(),

    [Z_LastModBy] = SUSER_SNAME()

    FROM ADS.dbo.ScansODS S

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.CustomerServiceNumber CSN

    ON CSN.CustomerServiceNumber = s.ServiceNbr

    INNER JOIN ADW.Dim.Modality M

    ON M.ModalityCode = S.ModalityCode

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.v_CurrentAsset a

    ON a.UnitNbr = s.UnitSegment

    WHERE CSN.Is_Current = 1

    AND S.ScanType IN ('Retail','Wholesale')

    --) d

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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