Virtual or Physical

  • Hi

    I am looking for a way to determine if the server is Physical or Virtual using SQL Server 2008. Can you please let me know if there any easy way to find out without using xp_readerrorlog? Also this info is available in DMV from SQL 2008 R2. Any help or input will be useful for me.

    Thank you

  • there's a DMV with that info:

    select s.virtual_machine_type,


    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info s


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  • This works from SQL 2008 R2 onwards. But in SQL 2008 it doesnt work.

  • You can try doing something like this:


    WHEN RTrim(@@VERSION) LIKE '%(VM)' + CHAR(10) THEN 'Virtual'

    WHEN RTrim(@@VERSION) LIKE '%(Hypervisor)' + CHAR(10) THEN 'Virtual'

    ELSE 'Physical'

    END AS Machine_Type

    ...but I can't vouch for the reliability of this.

  • Thank you. It works for me.

  • usually the error log will identify virtual machines as the instance starts, look for the hardware info


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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