dynamic sql help

  • Hi All,

    Checking for dynamic tsql script or stored proc which takes 2 tables (it can be any table in the database) as input, do a row comparison and output me the differences with the row number and row mismatch value between to rows.

    I have researched a little bit came across tablediff.exe tool. It tells which row but it doesnt tell me what are the exact differences between the column values for the mismatched rows.

    Does anybody has a tsql script to share for row comparing and find out the column mistmatch's.

    My research:

    use master


    create database src


    create database dest


    use src


    create table emp

    (c1 int not null primary key,

    c2 varchar(100)



    insert into emp

    select 101,'row-1'

    union all

    select 102,'row-2'

    union all

    select 103,'row-3'

    union all

    select 104,'row-4'

    union all

    select 105,'row-5'


    select * from src..emp


    use dest


    create table emp

    (c1 int not null primary key,

    c2 varchar(100)



    insert into emp

    select 101,'row-1'

    union all

    select 102,'row-2'

    union all

    select 103,'row-3'


    -- updating a row at src

    update src..emp

    set c2 = 'row111'

    where c1 = 101

    -- updating a row at trg

    update dest..emp

    set c2 = 'row333'

    where c1 = 103

    select * from src..emp



    c1 c2

    101 row111

    102 row-2

    103 row-3

    104 row-4

    105 row-5


    select * from dest..emp



    c1 c2

    101 row-1

    102 row-2

    103 row333


    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\COM>tablediff.exe -sourceserver . -sourcedatabase src -sourcetable emp -destinationserver . -destin

    ationdatabase dest -destinationtable emp

    Microsoft (R) SQL Server Replication Diff Tool

    Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation

    User-specified agent parameter values:

    -sourceserver .

    -sourcedatabase src

    -sourcetable emp

    -destinationserver .

    -destinationdatabase dest

    -destinationtable emp

    Table [src].[dbo].[emp] on . and Table [dest].[dbo].[emp] on . have 4 differences.

    Err c1

    Mismatch 101

    Mismatch 103

    Src. Only 104

    Src. Only 105

    thanks in adavnce

  • Although it doesn't actually list the differences, if you use the -f switch in Tablediff, it will produce the SQL to fix the differences for you.

  • Thanks Ian. Indeed very helpful switch -f.

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