rotation by percentage rather than equal rotation of ISCI values

  • Hello Team,

    i have an issue where i need advanced knowledge and guidance :

    i will try to explain the logic as best as i can :

    Copy Plan has ------àISCIS(1 0r more)

    The copy Plan can be scheduled by:

    >Rotation Equally

    >Rotation By Percentage

    Copy Plans are Rotated weekly the columns in the #copyplan is:

    RegionID int,

    CopyHeaderID int,

    SchedulerLogID int,

    SchedulerID int,

    [Priority] int,

    LogDate DateTime,

    HourOfTheDay int,

    PositionInTheHour INT,

    SchedulerOrderSpotID INT,

    Length INT,

    SecondsIntoTheHour INT,

    OrderSpotID INT,

    IsWegenerISCIScheduling BIT,

    OrderDetailID INT,

    OrderHeaderID INT

    If the copy plan is assigned as a weekly rotation of ISCI with 10 spots and 4 ISCIS ‘Industry Standard Coding Identification’ we will rotate the ISCI 10 times equally ,

    e.g isci 1 on Monday, isci 2 on Tuesday, isci 3 on Wednesday, isci 4 on Thursday, isci21 on Friday, until it is rotated 10 times.

    If the rotation is passed as by percentage e.g let us assume we have 10 spots and 2 iscis, we want to rotate ISCI 1 60% and isci 2 40 %, we will start by rotating the isci one 6 times ,

    when the and when it ends we rotate the isci 2 4 times 60 % and $05 being a function of 100%.

    I am to apply this logic and modify the procedure below:

    see script for dbo.AssignStationISCIForSchedulin.





    declare @RegionID int, @SchedulerLogID int, @OrderCopyHeaderID int, @OrderCopyMediaID int, @OrderCopyDetailID int

    declare @ContractDetailID int, @SchedulerOrderSpotID int, @OrderDetailID int, @StationRegionID int, @RegionFilterID int, @RegionFilterTypeID int;

    declare @RegionIDUpdate int, @RegionFilterIDUpdate int, @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate int;

    declare @ScheduleLogIDUsed int = 0, @OrderDetailIDInCopy INT,@PackageVehicleID INT,@PackageVehicleIDInCopy INT;

    declare @Priority int, @LogDate datetime, @HourOfTheDay int, @PositionInTheHour INT,@TotalLength INT,@ContractHeaderID INT,@OrderSpotID INT

    -- Assigning ISCI on Inventory level

    declare copyplans cursor local fast_forward read_only for

    select RegionID, CopyHeaderID, SchedulerLogID from #copyPlans order by [Priority] desc, SchedulerID, LogDate, HourOfTheDay, PositionInTheHour;

    open copyplans;

    fetch next from copyplans into @RegionID, @OrderCopyHeaderID, @SchedulerLogID;

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    declare inventories cursor local fast_forward read_only for

    select i.ContractDetailID, i.SchedulerOrderSpotID, od.ID as OrderDetailID, rs.RegionID as StationRegionID, rs.RegionFilterID, rs.RegionFilterTypeID,sos.PackageVehicleID

    from #InventoryTable i

    join SchedulerOrderSpot sos on i.SchedulerOrderSpotID = sos.ID

    join ContractDetail cd on i.ContractDetailID = cd.ID

    JOIN dbo.OrderSpot AS os ON = sos.OrderSpotID

    JOIN dbo.OrderDetailWeek AS odw ON = os.OrderDetailWeekID

    JOIN dbo.OrderDetail AS od ON = odw.OrderDetailID

    left join RegionStation rs on cd.StationID = rs.StationID and rs.RegionID = @RegionID

    where sos.SchedulerLogID = @SchedulerLogID

    and i.OrderCopyMediaID is NULL

    option (recompile) ;

    open inventories;

    fetch next from inventories into @ContractDetailID, @SchedulerOrderSpotID, @OrderDetailID, @StationRegionID, @RegionFilterID, @RegionFilterTypeID,@PackageVehicleID;

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    Set @OrderDetailIDInCopy = (select OrderDetailID from OrderCopyHeader where ID = @OrderCopyHeaderID);

    SET @PackageVehicleIDInCopy=(select PackageVehicleID from OrderCopyHeader where ID = @OrderCopyHeaderID);

    -- process regional copy

    if @StationRegionID is not null and @RegionID is not null and @RegionID = @StationRegionID and @PackageVehicleIDInCopy is not null and @PackageVehicleID = @PackageVehicleIDInCopy


    set @RegionIDUpdate = @RegionID;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = @RegionFilterID;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = @RegionFilterTypeID;

    --print 'regional';


    ELSE if @StationRegionID is not null and @RegionID is not null and @RegionID = @StationRegionID and @OrderDetailIDInCopy is not null and @OrderDetailID = @OrderDetailIDInCopy


    set @RegionIDUpdate = @RegionID;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = @RegionFilterID;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = @RegionFilterTypeID;

    --print 'regional';


    else if @StationRegionID is not null and @RegionID is not null and @RegionID = @StationRegionID and @OrderDetailIDInCopy is NOT NULL AND @PackageVehicleIDInCopy IS NULL


    set @RegionIDUpdate = @RegionID;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = @RegionFilterID;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = @RegionFilterTypeID;


    else if @StationRegionID is not null and @RegionID is not null and @RegionID = @StationRegionID and @OrderDetailIDInCopy is null


    set @RegionIDUpdate = @RegionID;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = @RegionFilterID;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = @RegionFilterTypeID;


    -- process national copy

    else if @RegionID is null and @PackageVehicleIDInCopy is not null and @PackageVehicleID = @PackageVehicleIDInCopy


    set @RegionIDUpdate = null;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = null;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = null;

    --print 'national'


    else if @RegionID is null and @OrderDetailIDInCopy is not null and @OrderDetailID = @OrderDetailIDInCopy


    set @RegionIDUpdate = null;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = null;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = null;

    --print 'national'


    -- whole order copy

    else if @RegionID is null and @OrderDetailIDInCopy is null


    set @RegionIDUpdate = null;

    set @RegionFilterIDUpdate = null;

    set @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate = null;

    --print 'whole order'




    --print 'unknown';

    goto INNER_FETCH;


    select top 1 @OrderCopyMediaID = OrderCopyMediaID, @OrderCopyDetailID = ID

    from OrderCopyDetail

    where OrderCopyHeaderID = @OrderCopyHeaderID

    order by RotationCount asc, ID ASC

    option (recompile) ;

    update #InventoryTable

    set OrderCopyHeaderID = @OrderCopyHeaderID,

    OrderCopyMediaID = @OrderCopyMediaID,

    RegionID = @RegionIDUpdate,

    RegionFilterID = @RegionFilterIDUpdate,

    RegionFilterTypeID = @RegionFilterTypeIDUpdate

    where ContractDetailID = @ContractDetailID and SchedulerOrderSpotID = @SchedulerOrderSpotID;

    update OrderCopyDetail set RotationCount = isnull(RotationCount, 0) + 1

    where ID = @OrderCopyDetailID

    option (recompile) ;


    fetch next from inventories into @ContractDetailID, @SchedulerOrderSpotID, @OrderDetailID, @StationRegionID, @RegionFilterID, @RegionFilterTypeID,@PackageVehicleID;


    close inventories;

    deallocate inventories;

    fetch next from copyplans into @RegionID, @OrderCopyHeaderID, @SchedulerLogID;


    close copyplans;

    deallocate copyplans;


    I learn from the footprints of giants......

  • Dude! This goes well beyond the scope of a free forum.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • +1


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    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • If you'd like some help, take a look at the link in Drew's signature to see how to post so that you have the best chance of getting an answer.

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