How to solve for orders where the status on every item is greater than status of 3

  • How solve for orders where the status on every item is greater than status of 3 or don't show that order.

    so a good order would have 5 items all with a status greater then 3

    a bad order would be 4 item with a status of 4 and one item with a status of 2 so don't show that order at all.

    Select 0rder_number, serial_number, status

    from orders

    where order_closed !=-1 and ?????????

    order by Order_number

  • You don't say whether the items are in a separate table. (They probably should be, but that doesn't mean that they are.) It would help if you followed Forum Etiquette[/url] for posting questions.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I am sorry I left out the item

    Select 0rder_number,item_number, serial_number, status

    from orders

    where order_closed !=-1 and ?????????

    order by Order_number

    everything is in the same table

  • Got sample data? If you want a tested answer, please read this article: How to post data/code to get the best help[/url].

    Maybe something like this?

    SELECT *

    FROM OrderList ol


    (SELECT 1

    FROM OrderList

    WHERE OrderNo = ol.OrderNo

    AND OrderStatus<3);

  • I could offer this






















  • Unfortunately that doesn't fit the format that we both posted a link to. In fact, I'm beginning to think that this is homework, because you have used the number 0 (zero) and the letter O (oh) interchangeably, which I think is more likely to occur when copying from a book than if this were from a live database, and because you haven't formatted the data as requested, indicating that you may not have access to live data.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I'll see you and raise...

    CREATE TABLE OrderList (OrderNo INT, SerialNo INT, OrderStatus TINYINT);


    INSERT INTO OrderList

    SELECT 1 AS OrderNo, 100 AS SerialNo, 1 AS OrderStatus


    SELECT 1, 200, 3


    SELECT 2, 100, 3


    SELECT 2, 240, 4


    SELECT 2, 400, 5;

    Not a whole lot of data, but enough to test the result.

  • Select order_number,

    min(serial_number) AS serial_number_min,

    max(serial_number) AS serial_number_max,

    min(status) AS status_min,

    max(status) AS status_max

    from orders

    where order_closed !=-1

    group by order_number

    having min(status) > 3

    order by Order_number

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (12/14/2015)

    Select order_number,

    min(serial_number) AS serial_number_min,

    max(serial_number) AS serial_number_max,

    min(status) AS status_min,

    max(status) AS status_max

    from orders

    where order_closed !=-1

    group by order_number

    having min(status) > 3

    order by Order_number

    Scott, what was that?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • kat35601 (12/14/2015)

    so a good order would have 5 items all with a status greater then 3

    None of the orders from your data set fits this description.

    Does it mean all of them are not good?

    Code for TallyGenerator

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