Case Statement in Order By

  • I'm trying to figure out the correct way to use a case statement in an order by to pick the most recent date when there are two date columns in each row. I think my solution is pretty close, but just not sure if it will work in all cases (so to speak).

    Example below.


    declare @widgits table (

    Id int primary key not null,

    Name varchar(25) not null,

    OnHand int not null,

    AddDt datetime not null,

    UpdateDt datetime null


    --* Insert all the new widgits

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(1, 'Widgit 1', 50, '20150101 09:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(2, 'Widgit 2', 50, '20150101 09:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(3, 'Widgit 3', 50, '20150101 09:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(4, 'Widgit 4', 50, '20150101 09:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(5, 'Widgit 5', 50, '20150101 09:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(6, 'Widgit 6', 50, '20150102 14:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(7, 'Widgit 7', 50, '20150102 14:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(8, 'Widgit 8', 50, '20150102 13:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(9, 'Widgit 9', 50, '20150102 13:00:00.000', null)

    insert into @widgits(Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt)

    values(10, 'Widgit 10', 50, '20150102 12:00:00.000', null)

    --* Now update a few

    update @widgits set OnHand = 20, UpdateDt = GETDATE() where Id = 3

    update @widgits set OnHand = 44, UpdateDt = getdate() where Id = 5

    update @widgits set OnHand = 3, UpdateDt = GETDATE() where Id = 9

    --* Now I need a query that lists the widits and order by most recently changed.

    --* By changed I mean either "Add" or "Update". This is the best I could come up with.

    --* Is this the best way? It seems to work in this simple case.

    select * from @widgits order by


    when AddDt > UpdateDt then AddDt


    IsNull(UpdateDt, AddDt)

    end desc


  • Logically - can UpdateDt be possibly less than AddDt?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Only if there's a bug in the code.


  • Misread the problem.

    How to Post to get the most:

  • BSavoie (4/26/2016)

    Only if there's a bug in the code.

    Considering, ORDER BY clause is not the place where we fix bugs (if you cannot rely on quality of the code, a check constraint can be your defence line), it should be simply:

    order by ISNULL (UpdateDt, AddDt) desc

    But I personally wou;d not allow NULLS into UpdateDt and made it = AddDt on a first insert.

    It would be better for query performance too (less fragmentation).

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks for the response SSCertifiable. The order by also needs to choose the greater of AddDt & UpdateDt. I'll definitely try and get the nullability squared away.


  • BSavoie (4/27/2016)

    Thanks for the response SSCertifiable. The order by also needs to choose the greater of AddDt & UpdateDt. I'll definitely try and get the nullability squared away.

    As you said, UpdateDt is always greater than AddDt, unless there is a mistake in code.

    To prevent mistakes establish a check constraint on the table.

    Then you'll never need to check which of the dates is greater ever again.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Oh right! Duh!



  • Shoot, I wanted to say it was because you spelled Widget wrong 😛

  • I would turn it into a column and order by it. Cleaner this way.


    (CASE WHEN AddDt > UpdateDt

    THEN AddDt

    ELSE ISNULL(UpdateDt, AddDt)

    END) AS MaxDt,

    Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt

    FROM @widgits

    ORDER BY 1

  • cmick 77911 (4/29/2016)

    I would turn it into a column and order by it. Cleaner this way.


    (CASE WHEN AddDt > UpdateDt

    THEN AddDt

    ELSE ISNULL(UpdateDt, AddDt)

    END) AS MaxDt,

    Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt

    FROM @widgits

    ORDER BY 1

    Using ordinal position is a bad practice. Anytime, anyone can change the column order and the results would change without notification. To prevent this, use column alias.


    (CASE WHEN AddDt > UpdateDt

    THEN AddDt

    ELSE ISNULL(UpdateDt, AddDt)

    END) AS MaxDt,

    Id, Name, OnHand, AddDt, UpdateDt

    FROM @widgits

    ORDER BY MaxDt

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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