Proper and careful use of a global temp table (##temp) First time I am using

  • I am dealing with huge number of transaction simultaneously accessing to get ONE ID from its primary key field, where it has not been used.

    Another word, a NULL value exists in another filed (NULLField).

    At the same time, I am BULK loading (via SSIS) millions of new ID records into the same field.

    Every time, I BULK load, timeout happens as result of tooooo many UPDATE locks. I have to kill the BULK load to eliminate the timeout.

    I am trying to modify the stored procedure that calls for a new ID as such:

    I am creating a ##temp table then capture top1 id (not exits in the ##temp yet) and inert it in to the ##temp table.

    I want to make sure when 1000 connections come in, to get a new ID, my procedure works without timeout.


    This is how currently done:


    UPDATE top (1) dbo.table with (rowlock)

    SET NULLField = @inputVariable

    WHERE ....


    SELECT @ID = ID FROM dbo.table WHERE ID = @ID



    This is how I want to do it:


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##temp') IS NULL Create table ##temp (ID varchar(30) primary key)

    SELECT TOP 1 @ID = a.ID

    FROM dbo.Table a with (rowlock)

    LEFT JOIN ##temp b ON a.ID = b.ID

    WHERE ....




    INSERT INTO ##temp (ID) values(@ID)

    UPDATE dbo.Table SET NULLField = @inputVariable

    WHERE ID = @ID



    I am not sure if this will cause more SELECT locks than

    updated TOP 1 locks from before


    I am dealing with 500 to 5000 connection simultaneously most of the time.


    Please do not give any design idea.

    All I want to know is if you have had this experience and if this would cause more locks and timeout

  • You posted this in the 7/2000 forum and I'm assuming that 2000 is the version you have?

    If so, the partitioning the table to take advantage of SWITCH-in is not possible. However, there's still the possibility of using a Partitioned View, which can be nearly as effective. Is there something in the "millions of rows" that you're loading that would constitute and "ever increasing value", such as a data column or some such?

    If so, you would load a separate table as a new "partition" and simply regenerate the view to include the new table. Total "interference" time would be measure in milliseconds in a manner similar to SWITCH-in with Partitioned Tables.

    There are some caveats that go along with Partitioned Views. You might want to seriously study the caveats before making such a move but, if it works out, you won't ever have to stop a BULK Load ever again.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks, Jeff;

    I have been looking into portioned view. I have done some homework on it. My dilemma is that the table need to be partitioned by GUID. I have been playing with partitioning by GUID. I have not been successful, yet.

    My goal is to have the table partitioned by GUID and, as you said, create a new table for each upload, and add it in the view.

    If you can help me with a sample partitioned view by GUID, I would be very happy.



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