Minus Column for current month from previous month

  • Hi,

    Hopefully someone can help.

    I need the difference between LastOdo (Odometer reading) for current month subtracted from previous month.

    column: lastOdo

    date column: fueltrandate

    table: fueltran


  • something like this;



    - SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(m, [FuelTranDate]) = DATEPART(m, DATEADD(m, -1, GETDATE())) THEN Lastodo ELSE '' END )) as [Odo]

    FROM [FPNZ].[tblFuelTran]

  • You can also use the LEAD or LAG functions to access the next and previous row values respectively

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • As Kingston said, Lag/Lead, Analytic Functions (Transact-SQL), would be a much better choice.

    Without knowing your full DDL or data sample, this is complete gueswork, but:

    USE DevTestDB;


    CREATE TABLE #fueltran (ReadingID INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    OdoReading INT, --No idea what an OD reading actualyl looks like,

    fueltrandate datetime2(0));

    INSERT INTO #fueltran (OdoReading, fueltrandate)

    VALUES (12, '20-Nov-2016'),

    (15, '21-Nov-2016'),

    (11, '22-Nov-2016'),

    (19, '23-Nov-2016'),

    (7, '24-Nov-2016');

    SELECT fueltrandate,


    LAG(OdoReading) OVER(ORDER BY fueltrandate ASC) AS LastOdo,

    OdoReading - LAG(OdoReading) OVER(ORDER BY fueltrandate ASC) AS OdoChange

    FROM #fueltran;

    DROP TABLE #fueltran;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • In the future, would you please follow forum rules and post DDL along with sample data? Depending on what your data actually looks like, you will need to use some form of lead () or lag (). Hey, if you are not going to post DDL, why should we post DML and do all this design work for you?

    Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing
    Analytics and OLAP in SQL
    Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice
    Data, Measurements and Standards in SQL
    SQL for Smarties
    SQL Programming Style
    SQL Puzzles and Answers
    Thinking in Sets
    Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • I think you may have to keep track of the vehicle as well?

    If you dont mind doing it the old fashion way (pre Lag() and Lead() ) here is a sample that works >

    CREATE TABLE #fueltran (

    vehicleID INT,

    OdoReading INT,

    fueltrandate datetime2(0)


    INSERT INTO #fueltran

    VALUES (1,12, '20-Nov-2016'),

    (1,15, '21-Nov-2016'),

    (1,20, '22-Nov-2016'),

    (1,29, '23-Nov-2016'),

    (1, 37, '24-Nov-2016'),

    (2, 77, '21-Nov-2016'),

    (2, 84, '22-Nov-2016'),

    (2, 93, '23-Nov-2016')


    WITH logCTE as


    select row_number() over (partition by vehicleID

    order by fuelTranDate ASC) as dataLogNumber


    from #fuelTran


    SELECT t1.vehicleID,



    t1.odoReading-t2.odoReading as MilesSinceLastLog

    FROM logCTE as t1 left join logCTE as t2

    On t1.vehicleID = t2.VehicleID

    and t1.dataLogNumber= t2.dataLogNumber+1


    DROP TABLE #fueltran;


  • I am also assuming that the odoReading (mileage) increases with time , we are talking about vehicle miles correct?


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