Report Builder - Creating an Invoice Report

  • Hi,

    I am creating an invoice report from scratch in report builder, all the report data is correct and working fine. The issue I am having is adding the correct customer address to the header, in the report body I can create a list that will ensure the data displayed is correct for the invoice number but I can't use in the header to add the customer address. The issue I am facing is that when I add the customer address to the header, I can't seem to figure out any grouping to show the relevant customer address for that invoice, in other words at the moment the first customer address in the database is hard-coded to all invoices. If somebody can help me on how I can apply the correct customer address to each invoice I would really appreciate it.


    Invoice 101 - Customer 1 - displays Customer 1 address

    Invoice 102 - Customer 2 - displays Customer 1 address - need to pick up the correct customer address

    Thanks in advance

  • bradwilliams51 (12/14/2016)


    I am creating an invoice report from scratch in report builder, all the report data is correct and working fine. The issue I am having is adding the correct customer address to the header, in the report body I can create a list that will ensure the data displayed is correct for the invoice number but I can't use in the header to add the customer address. The issue I am facing is that when I add the customer address to the header, I can't seem to figure out any grouping to show the relevant customer address for that invoice, in other words at the moment the first customer address in the database is hard-coded to all invoices. If somebody can help me on how I can apply the correct customer address to each invoice I would really appreciate it.


    Invoice 101 - Customer 1 - displays Customer 1 address

    Invoice 102 - Customer 2 - displays Customer 1 address - need to pick up the correct customer address

    Thanks in advance

    Without your data source query and a lot more detail, this is going to be hard to figure out. However, it seems likely that you are either using some form of Grouping within the report that is using the wrong field, or your data source query isn't constructed correctly to return the appropriate address with each invoice record. Without considerably more detail on exactly what your query looks like and what each record in it's result set represents, it would be difficult to say much more...

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