Blog Post

Winner of the worst recruiter of the year!


Every week I get a bunch of emails from recruiters about jobs that I am not qualified for (see Low-rate recruiters – The bane of my existence).  Some obviously use keyword searches and just spam any person who has that keyword in their profile (i.e. I have Microsoft Dynamics AX in my LinkedIn profile so I sometimes gets jobs for Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator).

Usually I just delete those emails, but sometimes I get one so off-base that I respond.  Like the one I got today for a “Senior UI Developer” using something called “Drupal”.  When I do email the recruiter to tell them to stop wasting my time, very rarely do they reply back.  When they do, it has always been to apologize.  Not this one.

This was from “Shreyas Gandhi” from “Proximous Inc”, who gets my worst recruiter of the year award.

Congrats Shreyas!

My response to his email for a job that had nothing to do with my skillset:

“Please take 30 seconds to read someone’s profile before wasting their time with a job they are totally unqualified for. It will prevent you from falling into the “automatically delete” category. Don’t you aspire to be a recruiter who will be listened to?  Or do you not care?”

And his award-winning reply:

it takes less than 30 seconds to delete a message which you are not interested in or which doesn’t suit you, rather than giving unwanted advises and craps, and wasting our time by that way.

If you are not looking for a job then you MUST not put your profile on any job portals or on job boards under wrong category….IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT, NOT ANYONE ELSE’S

And before you put somebody in “automatically delete” category, I have marked you in blacklist on portals and job boards so that none of the recruiter contacts you even when you are in need of work.

All future communications are blocked.

& yes, in the end, You must deserve one unwanted but badly required advise from my end also..and that is… “YOU NEED A PSYCHIATRIST…CONSULT ONE ASAP”


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