Import Exports Wizard wont connect to database

  • Hi all
    I have a SQL2012 express on Win10
    The SQL browser service is running
    The hidden flag is not set
    The firewall is off
    The two pc's are connected via a crossover cable and have static IP addresses
    The network profile is Private
    The named pipes and TCP/IP is enabled in the configuration manager
    The remote user has a local windows user and is using windows authentication
    Whilst SSMS can connect to it, it does not appear in the list of Networked Servers in the connect dialog 
    I can connect to it remotely, create a database, create a table and update records in the table
    When I run the imports export wizard[ and get to the destination page it refuses to see the server regardless of what Provider type I try
    Any clues as to what it might be as I'm tearing my hair out a bit on this one 

  • Try typing the address directly, the drop down is pretty bad about auto detecting servers.

  • Yes the name is typed in but it still refuses to connect

  • When you say it refuses to see it, do you mean it doesn't show up in the drop down? Considering you said it doesn't appear in SSMS in the networked it not going to appear in the drop down either in the Import/Export wizard.

    Have you not tried just typing the server name in?
    Edit: ninja'd

    What error message do you get for the failed connection?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • It's a timeout error
    What I really don't understand is if SSMS connects fine and the wizard is started from within it why wont the Wizard

  • Check the server configuration for remote access and that the TCP protocol is enabled in the sql server configuration manager

  • Thanks
    "The named pipes and TCP/IP is enabled in the configuration manager"

  • And what does this code return?
    USE master;
    EXEC sp_configure 'remote access';

  • I'm not at the system today and wont be again until next Wednesday
    But I can tell you that the server properties > connections has the box ticked to allow remote connections
    and as I say I can create and update tables from the other pc using SSMS fine it's just the wizard the refuses to play

  • Is the SQL Server Browser Service running?

  • Line 2 🙂
    Joking aside it wasn't initially but then I started it and rebooted the system, checked it was running but it made no difference

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