Coverting SSRS 2005 rdl to SSRS 2015 rdl

  • Hi
    I apologise if this I in the wrong place.

    I hope you can help, we have recently move from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2014. I have now been tasked with moving the reporting services reports from the server hosting SQL Server 2005 to the server hosting SQL Server 2014.  However when doing so I have run into some issues. Below I will list the steps I have taken;

    1) Copied the folder that contains the reporting services solution/project from the old server to the new server.
    2) I open the .sln file with Visual Studio 2015.
    3) I agreed to the upgrade that was recommended.
    4) I opened one of the reports contained within that solution/project and adjusted the dataset to point it to the new server instead of the old server. However when I try to preview the report I get a message about "Unknown Report Version: 9.0"

    Please can someone explain in laymans terms how I can fix this error or at least convert all the 2005 rdl files to 2015 rdl files?

  • Paul Moss - Wednesday, November 22, 2017 11:06 AM

    I apologise if this I in the wrong place.

    I hope you can help, we have recently move from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2014. I have now been tasked with moving the reporting services reports from the server hosting SQL Server 2005 to the server hosting SQL Server 2014.  However when doing so I have run into some issues. Below I will list the steps I have taken;

    1) Copied the folder that contains the reporting services solution/project from the old server to the new server.
    2) I open the .sln file with Visual Studio 2015.
    3) I agreed to the upgrade that was recommended.
    4) I opened one of the reports contained within that solution/project and adjusted the dataset to point it to the new server instead of the old server. However when I try to preview the report I get a message about "Unknown Report Version: 9.0"

    Please can someone explain in laymans terms how I can fix this error or at least convert all the 2005 rdl files to 2015 rdl files?

    You need to use SSDT to upgrade reports in this manner. Your reports are still pointing to the old version/namespace. But the problem is that it supports upgrading from 2008 or later versions. I have no idea what it will do with 2005 versions.
    Another option is upgrading reports by upgrading the server where the reports are located. You are probably again getting into version issues but you could try upgrading the 2005 SSRS to version 2008 and see if that then allows you to upgrade from 2008 to 2014.
    You can find some more information in this documentation:
    Upgrade Reports


  • I have found that opening SSRS 2005 layouts from the Solution Explorer causes this error. If I close Visual Studio, open File Explorer, find the .RDLC and double-click on it top open VS 2017 without the project loaded, I can convert and save the file. Once it’s converted and saved, I can work with it normally inside VS.

  • myeager - Thursday, April 19, 2018 12:49 PM

    I have found that opening SSRS 2005 layouts from the Solution Explorer causes this error. If I close Visual Studio, open File Explorer, find the .RDLC and double-click on it top open VS 2017 without the project loaded, I can convert and save the file. Once it’s converted and saved, I can work with it normally inside VS.

    Excellent result.  I've also seen where folks simply installed BIDS from SQL 2008 R2 on an old desktop and used that to convert all the reports to SQL 2008 R2, and then they could take that entire solution back to VS2015.

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